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Rolled up at 5-30 Thursday morning ready for a long day . We had decided to fish the subs to the east , 40 miles plus but the weather is great . We stopped to fish a large bank at 38 miles as we would get the last hour of the ebb . We were plagued with bull Huss which tope were following up to the surface . When we first spotted them I thought they were small sharks in the 60-70 lb mark but no they were tope . The biggest we landed was 35lb whilst suffering plenty of bite offs .

As soon as the tide tuned we headed off for the first sub 5 miles away and when we arrived we were straight into pollock , well the two other lads were I never had a fish for six drifts but they were in every time but that's fishing .

Picture of sub on sounder


We tried other subs but only had two or three fish on the first drift then nothing weird . We decided to go back and anchor the first wreck to see if we could pull a ling out . On arriving one quick drift to get tide and direction , as the tide was only 1.8 knots I decided to anchor straight away . Well that was a life changing moment steamed well up tide and dropped the anchor straight into the wreck , well I thought I saw 1.8 knots not like the 2.8 that was showing on the analogue .

Not such a good start to our anchoring with the thought of cutting off £300 worth of end tackle at the end of the tide . The fishing was good throughout the tide with bullhuss to 13+ cuckoo wrass , congers , tope and pout . Coming up too slack water I winched the rope up tight , straight up and down so it wouldn't wrap in the wreck which might give me a chance of recovering my mess .

About 10 minuets into the flood we were drifting , the anchor had just freed itself from the wreck and it was happy days , pull it in quick and let's go home while our luck is in . It was a fantastic ride home with flat seas and a glorious sunset to boot .


Best bullhuss 13-9




So o o o o o tempted to post a photo of my Ex. You'd see the resemblance.

But I'd be in trouble for something ! ! !

Rob's gonna ask why I keep a photo of her . . . . 

We use it to scare the flipping trick or treaters away ! ! !  :D


Seriously Fred.

Great trip.





Nice one Fred


sounds like a great trip and well done for getting your anchor back.


We had similar last Sunday, a few fish initially then by about the 6th drift nothing

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