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outboard please ( long shaft / four stroke / 60 - 115 ?) gummidge

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Not for me ! contact GUMMAGE on here .


More a post on what is about that will go on his WILSON flyer ( 20 ft jobbie) needs a decent engine, has totally given up on his old smoker ( at bloody last ! )


Im really not sure what way to advise him . im confident he will be happy as long as its complete with controls and guages etc 


Budget ??? who knows/ it his cash but may need it sooner than later  


send him a pm please

advise welcome  


Thanks for your leads gentlemen. I value them all...the new etec won't go away so I'll research that further. That yammy is not far from here and would seem to be a good fit. Now those higher hp jobs Coddy......is that a tongue in cheek suggestion or would they match my 20 ft dory......there's a discussion to be had about performance and fuel economy in relation to power.


Further to a conversation that I had with Coddy after the meeting on Thursday......I got home , cleaned the multi pin plug, ran the old merc up in a tub of water outside the dairy door and I couldn't get it to miss a beat. Good start ..enthusiastic steady idle. I'd like to overhaul the fuel in side of things and give it another go........but I am looking out.


Question from this then is ... Pilot Dory (Wilson flyer type) 19' 6"". Bow to transom.....what motor is too small...what is too big....and what would goldilocks use?


20 or 21 inch shaft ?? 60 hp to chug about., 75 hp just about right , i think its all about weight on transom, old engines around 100 hp were bloody heavy, some old engines weight were the same no matter what the capacity was 


i love the new etec stuff , 115hp would be my own choice , underpower would use more fuel and struggle to push -on .


Get rid of the old motor, ITS PAST ITS SELL BY DATE !


From the info I have read the Wilson 20 needs a minimum 75hp and most run 90hp to 115hp (4-strokes)


If you have the minimum size engine you will need to keep near max revs to keep on the plane depending on how much weight the boat is carrying i.e. people and fishing gear


A bigger engine will use less fuel as not having to use max throttle and will work less hard.


Having the right prop and engine height on the transom also plays a lot in the performance of a boat




Great answer Dave, thanks. She currently does 22/24 knts on the 75 flat out but it's thirsty ....2.8 miles/ gallon. Seems the etec 115 is well worth a look.


That is 1.6 litres a mile, not sure will will gain much of an improvement.


Sounds good for a 2smoke.


Unless you use it daily a new bigger engine will take an age to claim back the file savings (if any).


But it will might be faster and more fun so go for it.


As Dave mentioned, props and height can make a huge difference.


Loon for a post from (I think) Darvester, he had transom height issues and once resolved had a vast improvement.




Just a little post from personal experiance


I had an old wilson flyer 17 that had been built very heavy as a self finish


I bought it without an engine when money was tight and fitted a twin cylinder 45HP, It ran ok but was not always a good starter and did not match the boat.


ASAP I swaped the engine for a new 60HP 2 stroke. Different boat after that, straight onto the plane good top speed etc etc

Fuel economy was much better with the bigger engine as there was no need to run at full throttle.


I used the same principle when fitting out Alfresco, recommended engine 230 HP , I fitted a 260

we cruise her 1000 RPM below max revs and get good fuel economy. If we want to fly about we can, but it sucks up the fuel.


Thank you both fort that. It's interesting that you don't think I'll get much of an improvement in fuel efficiency Rob. It has been suggested to me that the e tec engines would offer considerable improvements in economy especially if I size up asCharlie suggests. Anyway I'm warned not to found my desicion on savings I may not realise.

My main motive for change is that for six years now I've been boating with this merc 75 and I now regard it with the respect usually afforded to a worthy adversary. .... I don't want to be beaten but.....As I crack one problem like old fuel or wrong oil, another seems to fill the gap like the dodgey fuse and intermiitent electrical failure.....I expect others have been here.


Every time I start it outside my dairy door it runs like a clock but get it near salt water and it seems to pine.


However it has always brouhght us home( except the time before last ) and with some straight forward servicing tips from club members I'd like to think I'll win.


Having a reliable engine is a must at sea, that trumps everything, your life could depend on it. I would expect you to get performance and significant economy improvements with a new engine but most important you should have an engine you can be confident in.





Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


Martin, I think the improvements in fuel will be realised at lower throttle positions, WOT will be about the same as the old 75 but slow trolling and cruising speeds will see improvements


4-strokes and even Etecs will happily tick over or run at low revs without plugs oiling up and then cutting out and being a pig to restart.


I suspect the noise level will be a great improvement as well


Got quite excited by the evinrude etec115 . Fortunately Hooky warned me to be wary. If you want to see a good scam follow the link.....it invites you to pass money to........andoutbords dot com. There's loads of signs....one careful lady owner.....unable to give landline number......need a quick sale hence unbelievable price.

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