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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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im almost ready for the fun part of fixiing the boat up but first i have to get it the right away up. I reckon it'll float better this way smile.gif


I'm looking for voluenteers to give me a hand to lift the boat off the trailer, Flip it and crank it back up the trailer. It sounds mad but we did it ibout 15 mins with 6 people last time

Im in Moordown so if anyone has a spare 1/2 hour on Saturday afternoon, id appreciate your help




Paul J



WoW!!! What a difference!...She loks like a new boat, well done. biggrin.gif


I am free on Sat afternoon, just let me know what time and Ill be there.




Thanks Guys


So far i think we have


Paul J




Alun J



John P?


Which should be fine but some are unconfirmed

More the merrier- come join the party- i'll call tomorrow for confirmation






Well we did it biggrin.gif


She's upright and ready to be kitted out.


Thanks to Adam, Coddy, Mark B, Alun J & Gordon for all your help on Saturday.


Aiming for the maiden launch next Saturday but that'll take some doing unsure.gif


Cheers again guys


Paul J

Guest Guest_duncan_Fisherman

looks a great job on the hull Paul - glad you are making progress so well. What are you next steps on the fit out? Probably best to get them done before the stories of massive bream start to lure you out on the water every spare moment!


I am sure you will have a whale rolleyes.gif of a time with the boat this summer and look forward to some early/late fly fishing sessions off kimmeredge ledges etc at some point.


flying back to the realities of getting Phaeton in the water later this week sad.gif


I've got all the wiring to do

and thats about it, i'll take it for a test drive on saturday but it won't be how i want it for a while, but all that can be done ongoing.

Im in the process of putting on my , vhf, gps, fishfinder etc, refitttg the rails. dual battery setup and generally figuring out where things should go.


Just cant wait to get it floated


paul J



Well i never made the maiden Voyage but as of 7pm i'm finished and ready to go.


The boat is now sitting on it's dry mooring in Christchurch just waiting to get wet.

I knew the weathrr would turn once i completed the Job. sick.gif


There's still a few thinngs to do to get her fishable but she's functional and will get wet next weekend.


Fixed all the electrics, dual battery switch, vhf, Gps,fishfinder, swith panel, extended the battery cables and moved the batteries up under the console.


I was delighted when my motor fired up first time after sitting on it's side for 6 weeks!


All i really have to do now is install a bowroller and im off to find some fish.


It's been a hard slog and i can't wait to get the first fish aboard


Paul J - Marineboy



paul if you need a crew for the maiden voyage i would love to come.



trying to learn how boats work a bit more now because soon dad will trust me with gw the more experience the better.




Looking good Paul.


You have choices on the bow roller - as you aren't going to use it to stow the anchor, and have that lovely sampson post, a simple fairlead will do as well.


Looks like we will hit the water around the same time - but I bet you get a bream before me!






If you are lauching from Christchurch on the Sunday for the maiden voyage, then let me know as I am going to be fishing the comp out of Christchurch and would be more than happy to be the "buddy boat" - espec as it will also be first time out for mine after engine service ( provided I get the mounting bracket fixed by Sunday ).

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