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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having seen the forecast......... lots of rain coming........ I'm going to have a go on Sat. I have a friend living in Weymouth and hope to get out to the Shambles on his boat and do a bit better than the three plaice I had last time [in the fog].


Thanks for the comments posted re. speed of drift. My hand held gps doesn't register speeds below 2 mph; we were drifting at this or less but might have been going a bit too quickly........ and couldn't see any other boats for comparison!


I suspect things could be much different Sat.; with sunshine and light winds, it'll probably be boat dodgems !!


Good luck / tight lines ........... if you go Sun.



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Alun, I fished the shambles in a comp last week, I was on Top Kat, we fished against Flamer......both boats had 27 Plaice each.....I managed to squeak out three, all were gorging on mini sandeels, and all were in poor condition, alas, some folk took fish home ohmy.gif(


I'm out again on friday, out of weymouth, so hopefully, a better story.........will report. Match though......not plaice.....perhaps a drift on the shambles though.




The forecast is looking 50/50 at the moment, but the good news is that its getting better the near we get to Sunday.


There is a massive low out in the Atlantic that is approaching, but it looks like it may hold off until Monday....fingers crossed.


The current forecast is still too windy, WNW F4-5 - if this stays to the N and drops a few knots we may be OK.


I think we will know more come Friday eve.


Tides are small : http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyT...dictionLength=7




what weather are we looking at for a good day out which wind direction would be better.


i dont get sea sick so it does not bother me if it gets a bit chopy.




Having never partisipated in a club meeting before is it okay to just take part in the event @ weymouth. Do I need to ask if my boat can take part? and are there boats that will motor from Poole Quay to Weymouth in order to take part.


Be greatful for some advise.




Tony (Camira)




You might not get sea sick but I do !!


It is not so much the sea sick part of it that bothers me. It is the comfort factor and the ability to fish as well as the safety aspects. Southerly wind of that magnitude is bad news regarding comfort / fishing.

Will look on Friday but if forecast stays the same ( and I can't see it changing to be honest ) then I shall be pulling out - sorry.




Having never partisipated in a club meeting before is it okay to just take part in the event @ weymouth. Do I need to ask if my boat can take part? and are there boats that will motor from Poole Quay to Weymouth in order to take part.




Any club member can come along on an outing arranged by the club. Either let us know prior (preferable) so we know who to expect or just turn up, either way you would be welcome. If you miss us then call up on ch6. Some club boats will indeed be steaming up from poole if the weather permits and I can let you have the boat names if you like.




Metcheck latest forecast: http://www.metcheck.com/48HourInshore.asp?...2&inshoreID=115


F3-4 from the SSW. With such a small tide provided it doesnt get any worse it may still be fishable.


I would advise that any small open boats wishing to come though may want to crew on a bigger cabin boat - a F4 S will still be lumpy on the Shambles.


Lets see what the Met Office give tomorrow at 5pm.






Wait until you get the next piece of that forecast and it worsens dramatically.

Checkout www.theyr.net


The YR






Basically they seem to be saying that there is a spell of bad weather coming and it will arrive around lunchtime on Sunday. Personally, I can think of better places to be sitting than on the Shambles when that lot arrives smile.gif


PS: Espec. as I will be hungover as well sick.gifsick.gif





Hi Paul,


As we have discussed before the decision is yours, with guidance from the other skippers who know the area and boats like yours. biggrin.gif


You know Neo and her sea keeping far better than others would, and as you say it is about enjoying your day afloat and fishing properly and safely, Not just about avoiding being sick.


Don't let Sams youthfull enthusiasm sway your decision, he will get out again soon enough biggrin.gif .


Charlie biggrin.gif




No problem,


I will decide tomorrow. I am half decided at the moment ( and after all I might not get my boat back for Sunday anyway ..... ), but becoming more convinced each time I look at the forecast....... Just thought it wise to prewarn Sam smile.gif


Will you be OK with bait if the trip is off - or will I owe you for the worms ( no problem if this is the case ).










Hi Paul


I am not collecting bait untill 5pm Sat


As long as I tell Alex prior to him getting them out of the tanks [Mid PM] it will not be a problem, and no charge incurred. biggrin.gif


His worms may not all be monsters at this time of year, but his costs, very flexible opening hours, selection of baits and the ability to cancel orders on the afternoon before is worth supporting him IMHO.


but then again he is only a mile from my house wink.gif




Its looking right on the edge at the moment. Agreed with Paul - the bad weather is coming, but at what time it arrives is open at the moment.


The forecast sites seem to point towards about 4pm.


I will let the met office decide for me on Sat eve at 5pm.




The forecast for Sunday is now looking pretty much like we will have to postpone the trip.


Latest update is that Sunday will begin OK with light winds from the North, but by lunchtime they will swing to the South and begin to build. They are giving F6 by 16.00pm.


Ill post an official outcome tomorrow eve - but just thought Id let you know.


Possible date for the re-schedule is Sunday 15th May.




Guys......if its any consolation, eight good anglers...and me <g> fished the shambles today, and if you were after herring or sandeel, it was the place to be.....alas, nil flatfish taken.


We tried around eight or nine drifts, before moving on the other grounds for other species. The weather held, untill mid afternnon, then in came the thunder and hail, although still flat calm. I think maybe that the weather could be a blessing in diguise.




I have frozen down a bag ful of huge sandeel, for Alderney, we will have bait for drifts outside the harbour on our fist day.


if it is looking bad theres no point sitting out there bouncing around left right and centre.


looks like its back to homework for me on sunday then weep.gif




paul has decided not to go anymore because of the bad weather and he does not think he will have his engine back in time.


so that means i will not be able to go so thats another week with no fishing, this is a trend im starting to not like its worse than being ill sad.gif


if you get out good luck but looking at the weather it is doubtful.


tight lines sam


ps i think i am going to prepare for the arrival of the bass i just need dad to trust me with great white [ ill be lucky]


yeah i would love to go but its up to paul and pauls the one who gets sea sick so he wouldnt enjoy it so there would be no point to it.


o well looks like im back working on the boat again.



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