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I am now almost ready to begin the big new adventure.I have put the backing and the fly line on the reel.I now need to join the leader to the fly line.I was told ,"don't mess about with needles etc. use these super easy Braided Loops." I have tried and tried,following these simple 5 step directions....I can get the tube over the braid....I can get the tube over the fly line.....but I cant get the braid OVER the fly line, are both the line and the braid inside the tube when you do it ?I did manage at one point to get about 3mm of braid over the fly line, with both outside the tube,but never enough to proceede to push the braid up the line.Can anyone see or do you know how it's done ? It might be easier to resort to ;needle;knot;and superglue !! ...jack


forgot picture of instructions..jack I cant get picture to load..sorry.Contents of package are a 6" piece of hollow core braid with a loop on the end,and a 6" piece of plastic tube ,just the correct size to take,either the braid or the fly line.Instructions are;1.place the tube over the braid..2 insert the fly line [presumably into the other end of the tube,although it do'snt say so ] 3 stroke the braid back down the fly line... 4 insert the fly line approx 2" [into the tube,or the braid is unclear.] 5 pull the tube over the joint,using your thumbnail, It do'snt say if the tube is left on finally or pulled off and discarded........Pass the Superglue !!!!!.. jack...really depressed now !! weep.gif


Well I'l tell you Duncan...When the braid is in the tube,you cant push the line into it [even after trimming the line to a point ]...1. the line is too limp to push it,and 2 there do'snt seem to be room in the tube ! I tried leaving a couple of ml of braid sticking out,and threading the line into it,but despite trimming the end of the braid,frill free,it just screws up the end of the braid.I never got far enough to slide the tube over the join in the two.and supposing I ever did [which I seriously doubt now,] what happens to the tube,does it stay on the line ?...Thanks for answering...jack .P.S The salt from my tears is dripping into my keyboard,must get a bib.. weep.gif




It is a bit of a pig, if you cant get the rubber tube over the braid dont worry too much it will hold without it and with out super glue for that matter. Do use glue for insurance


Push the braid back on it self to open up the opening, push fly line up all the way to the loop, Super glue the end and trim loose ends.


Paul J




From your description it sounds as if you haven't pushed the tube right down the braid ( ie. out of the way ) at the first step.

Then push braid back on itself as Paul J has said, so it opens up. Push the fly line in the hole in the braid and then brush the braid over the line and finally pull the tube back to cover the join.


Have to admit it has been years since I used the fly rod though so this is off memory from some years back ....


Yep - sry I haven't got back quicker........can see where it's going 'wrong' now.......tube 's about 2 1/2 inchs and the braid loops are 4 +. In the case of the backing you have as much as you need! The tube goes over and well away before you put the line inside the braid as Paul points out. Only then do you bring the tube back into play.


Personally I get more fun splicing...........


Thanks to you all for your kind help and advice.I now have a clearer picture of whats what,and it looks as if this excercise could be more absorbing than the actual fishing !! Re, the fish pictures..are they Mullet or Trout ?..jack

Neither - they are bass methinks...

You wish biggrin.gif ! - My money is on mullet.


BTW: If you want to see some HUGE bass ( and these were definitely bass ) then take a trip to Gunwharf quays and look in the part where the old crane and ship torpedo is. There are no fishing signs though sad.gif but some of the fish in there must be heading for double figure size.



WELL I DID IT !!!!!!!!!. What a load of old fuss about a dead easy job ! you just ease back the hollow braid pop the end of thhhhhhhhhh......OH ALL RIGHT, MY WIFE VALARIE DID IT.. I suppose you are all happy now !!..Thanks all...jack


They look like mullet to me too!


I think I know where one of the pictures was taken - from one of the stone bridges looking down into the water. There's usually some 'clunkers' up there from this time of year. I don't know if the owners of some of the nearby river houses realise how lucky they are -- prebaiting would be very easy for them!


Was out for a paddle in my kayak in Christchurch Harbour late last month. Within 10 strokes I was 'on top' of a shoal of mullet in about 18inches of water! Busy hunting rays at the moment (from the shore) and plaice from the Poole harbour region but may have to try for mullet later this year.


its been a while since i was in a kayak, i can use a kayak seen as i have my 2 star from sea scouts but i found it alot of hard work and preferred sailing.


i was looking at that american website and i cant believe how much stuff hey cram into it what if it whent over say goodbye to all your stuff wouldnt it be sensible to fish light and make it easier to paddle.


it looks a quite interesting form of fishing but i think i will stick to boat fishing.




Hi Sam


Most of your gear should be strapped down or leashed to the kayak including rods and paddle. Some of the American guys seem to take it to the extreme. I doubt I will be fishing more than 2 rods and if the fishing is good at times I will stick to just 1. The kayaks suitable for fishing can carry a fair amount of weight -- longer kayaks tend to be faster but less manoeuvrable than shorter ones but the fitness of the paddler can be the deciding factor on this... cruising speeds when paddling about 3-3.5 knots (over 7knots if your paddling with a good tide!). In stronger tides and winds the kayak may need to be slowed down somewhat to reduce drift speed. If you plan your trips to coincide with light winds, right tide and weather its not hard work at all (indeed quite the opposite).


Ideally I would like a boat as well but my circumstances dont allow for it ( I do know people who have both). Catching blonde ray from fast tides over the Dolphin Banks or after Bream from marks off Harry Old Rocks is out of the question for me!

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