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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We all had a great day out on Two Ways today. It was the first time for about 19 years all four of us have fished together on the same boat and it only seemed as if it was yesterday.


I don't think I have ever seen so many boats fishing in the same place before; I quickly counted 25 but it could have been more. We didn't see any bream but we managed to score a few points by the close of play. We all had a good laugh when my dad (Terry Way) caught a garfish and a pollack on the same trace;"7 points thank you very much" we didn't give him much stick wink.gif


I'd just like to say thanks to all who organised it and all four of us can't wait until the next one,





Nice report Simon.


Good to hear a team enjoying themselves on a competition.


Adam and I fished out of Weymouth. Had pollack, pout, mackerel (yes, they are back, and big uns, too), wrasse and plaice.


We travelled quite a bit, too. HMS Hood, shambles, Elena R, Binnendyk, Portland Ledge and back to HMS Hood again. Weather was fine after 9am.


Out on the Shambles the Gannets were giving a spectacular display of diving. We soon found what they were after when Adam caught some Launce. He used them to good effect drifting one of the wrecks and getting hammered by a nice pollack.


Lovely day out.


The season has begun. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Bob F


nicwe to hear you had a good day


we headed off to the banks first thing and didnt catch anything


came back in next to illusion on the patch and had some wrasse


moved closer in to a rough spot had more wrasse and 6 nice bream thanks to magnet groundbait they were caught in scent trail.


finished the day drifting inside harbour finished with a nice 3lb wrasse for me.


shame no bigger fish but nice to be out


bring on the hot sunny days catching bream and tope.


tight lines




Gordon and i went out in Marineboy on it's maiden voyage from christchurch.


Launch went smoothly so we stopped off at the 4 knot sign (harbour) for a spot of mullet bashing. Turned out they had different ideas and were a no show, so after a call from Paul D at Mudeford we ventured outside to rendevous at hengisbury head.

On the way the engine seemed a little sluggish, with not nearly the same poke as it had the day before, i put this down to going against a strong tide.


A few drifts across the big groyne was a zero, so wanting to use the tide for the better fish , we headed out to the ledge.


First mark was on the edge of the ledge where we picked up a potting buoy. Things were slow, only picking up a couple of dogs, and i think gordon got a pout and a wrasse.


We moved on top of the legde picking up another buoy in approx 30ft of water.We soon found we were dragging it so we dropped anchor and untied the buoy-

Fishing was still slow despite tons of magnet going down, we did max out on dogs and Gordon got a few other species and i dropped a garfish.

Neo was on their way over as Paul was going to show us a Bream mark so we started to pull up the anchor only to find we were wrapped on the pot line.

Countless attempts to Motor it out failed so it was good bye to the anchor weep.gif

We buoyed it off with a fender and marked it on the Gps but it's probably on it''s way with the pot man by now.


Neo came over and gave us an anchor and we followed him for about 10 feet when the fuel ran out, a quick switch over of the tanks and ...... nothing the bulb on the fueline wouldn't fill, it just pumped air! .

Thinking it was knackered we transfered the fuel over to the other tank and it fired up no problem except the we got fuel starvation problems and had to limp home on 1/2 power mad.gif once we got in the harbour it suddenly picked up again and we were zipping along nicely.


Fished a bit longer in the harbour for nought so we called it a day. despite all the hassle i enjoyed the day, thanks Gordon for your company and your patience.


So a few thinks to sort out and it'll be a lot easier next time.


1 get well away from the pot before you drop the anchor

2 the feeder tube inside the fuel tank had fallen off, which is why it was sucking air Doh


Paul J- 6 dogs


As Bob said we went from Weymouth today. The forecast was not good, but when we actually got out it improved dramatically, and after 9am the sun even came out!


Wrasse were not a problem, I even managed a nice 3lb 8oz er... mackerel are also in which was a nice surprise and we had a good dozen plump fish to just under 1lb.


Pollock also in good numbers including one about 4/5lb caught drifting live launce over a wreck.


Not as good as we had hoped though, doggies, a few more plaice, bass and bream the 'easy' species not caught, still, always a pleasure to fish from weymouth!




Hi all


Well I think we have caught the nil points syndrom. sad.gif


Folowed Great White out to the Banks but nothing except a doggie to a mate who is not in the club!


Went to Christchurch ledge met with 4 charter boats so tried there without success, same as the charters from what was being said over the radio. dry.gif


Headed back to the swash for a bit of driffting but nothing so went in by the castle and driffted there and got nothing. dry.gif


Discovered why you must get in to Baiter before low tide! Interesting recovery in 1.5ft of water. weep.gifweep.gif


Thanks to 2 guys from the club for helping out, not sure of names but have a 165 and from Bournemouth. biggrin.gif


Well done to those who managed to catch sick.gifsick.gif


Oh well perhaps next time unsure.gif





Had engine serviced. Nearly lost the wheel of the trailer ( found out why the nuts kept wearing loose - the studs were worn. ) I went around a roundabout and managed to break one stud..... so off to Ambrose Trailers ( nice people smile.gif ) and bought a new hub with bearings ( Note : For my trailer these cost




I thought you were thinking of going up to a 590; go the whole hog and trade in boat and engine ??


Whatever you do, the power lift is almost essential around Christchurch and its shallow waters ....... it was the best advice from bhm , where i got my boat, ..... Yamaha with power lft, very reliable.


They have a showroom in Lymington and give a good package deal on Orkneys.




Paul, can I suggest you take a look at the Tohatsu 40hp TLDi.


Yes it's a 2 stroke, but a new typed 2 stroke with direct fuel injection, is less polluting than some 4 strokes. As quiet as some 4 strokes.


Go to www.iboats.com, enter forum and search for Tohatsu tldi. Lots of threads on this line. In a powerboat mag in the us, they did a trail. The new Evinrude Etec comes 1 st, Tohatsu comes second, and in the process beating the like of Yammy, Mercury and Honda. Both the Rude and Tohatsu are 2 strokes while the other 3 are 4 strokes.


Plus it's a 2 stroke, so a fair bit lighter than your Honda.




I was tempted to upgrade to the 590. However, I cannot afford that at the moment ( new car coming ). So, now tempted to get an engine with power tilt/trim etc. , since as you say, it is almost essential at Christchurch ( my dinked props prove the point smile.gif ).


Staying with Honda the smallest they do with power tilt is their 40 HP model ( actually same engine as the 50 HP ).

Orkney rate the hull to 35 HP but I have seen plenty of 520's with 40HP outboards fitted.


Presumably one of the factors is the weight of the engine. Checking the weight of the Honda against others ( Suzuki / Yamaha ) and the 40HP engine is in fact lighter than the others and also comes with Power Tilt and Trim which the others have only power tilt and manual trim.


Just need to find the money weep.gif




Is it just the weight that's the limiting factor?


What about the forces on the transom?? A more powerful engine will produce a bigger 'kick'.






I used to have a Hardy 17' and this was rated for 40hp by the manufacurer. The chance of a 50hp with ptt came along and I like you was toying with the idea so I phoned the manufacturer and asked them. Their response was that every boat has to be rated when produced and in the case of the hardy 17' they chose 40hp although the transom would be plenty strong enough for a 50hp however they could not give this assurance in writing and that it was only advisory. The biggest problem as I see it would be insurance, in my case the insurance co. covered it so I would suggest you make a few phone calls




Launched with Pete from Baiter where Bob was sat as official observer. Well, in fact launched twice! I'm sure I'm not the only person to forget the bung! Had a problem booking in on the radio; either a technical fault or a personal one. Whichever, this should be put right when I do my radio course next month. Whisper upbraided me when I made contact so we're probably not registered for the match. No problem.

Tried drifting the Swash first but nothing doing and a lot of weed about. Tried another couple of spots before arriving at the bream grounds, along with everybody else. First cast, Pete had what I think is the biggest garfish either of us has ever seen. I believe he was considering having it stuffed and mounted but decided to put it back to grow bigger, always the optimist. We next both contacted at the same time, me with a very respectable mackerel (nice to see them turning up) and Pete with a bream about 2lb. Needless to say, they became tangled up but after some technical un-knitting, both were landed. Things then went quiet so we decidided to finish with a drift (as we were going that way) and Pete managed a small pollock. After that, it was plain sailing back to baiter with a recovery that we were very proud of. Almost like proper boaters do.

Two things impressed us on the day. 1) Using the alderney ring retrieval method for the first time on my boat which was a great success (thanx to Martin) and

2) circle and half circle hooks. The really do hook around the lips every time. We used size 2 semi circle for bream; about right?

A good day, despite the dull weather and slightly lumpy sea. We're looking forward to the next one. biggrin.gif


what is the name of your boat because the radio kept going off when we were putting the stuff in the boat so dad couldnt answer it that might have been why you were missed.



biggrin.gif Good to be back out in the comps again, we headed for the patch and within in minutes were into bream, and for so early in the year they were of a good size, for over an hour we could'nt stop catching, we then off to another mark and took some plaice, pout, pollock and wrassebut could buy a doggie!!! leave those to T.W.!! so not a bad day after all considering its so early in the season,where did all those boats come from? where have they been all winter!! wink.gif

Hi all thanks for all the score sheets that are coming through biggrin.gif


By my count we had 19 boats out there yesterday,

if I missed any in the morning while rowing to my mooring, picking up the kids or steaming out I apologise.

That is why a quick message the night before on Peter or my answer machine is the better method.


If you have not sent a score sheet please do so. I have 19 so far.


New score sheets [that work out the scores for you, as you enter the number of fish per species caught] are now available.


THANKS ALAN biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


If you did not get one from the Forum or block email , send me an email and I will send one back by reply.


They are so easy and quick I think everyone will use them with no problem. biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif





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