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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Reflections 2 has decided to wet her bottom and do the first fishing trip of the year tomorrow with the hope of at least putting something on my zero species list.😎


She has received a load of well deserved TLC recently including servicing and in and out valetting  and a few upgrades so it would be a shame not to christen her with some fishy mess .😋


I will be going solo unless anyone would like to crew .

It wont be an early start.   PM me if interested  or able to disclose any fishy spots😁



Good luck tomorrow, hope all goes to plan. That’s a very interesting looking boat btw, is it a finnmaster ?

Thanks I will need all the help I can get as haven't used her for almost 2 years

She is a  1998 RYDS 600AC with a 115hp  Mariner efi (2001) on the back.

I have owned her since 2006 and she still does everything I need  and have never felt the need to change her


Have a good day Pete, steer clear of Southbourne area !!!!

 Cheers Mick, I saw your earlier post re nets thanks for the heads up


Well I couldn't call it a blank as I didn't even put any terminal tackle into the water,:dissapointed:

Spent a few hours on the pontoon sorting out a few bits on the boat and filled up with fuel then headed under the bridges for the harbour where  I was going to try a few drifts for some microspecies . The harbour main channel was quite rough with lots of white horses so decided I could find a bit of shelter outside the harbour.

Not a chance in the bay the wind and tide were causing quite uncomfortable conditions and even bigger white horses  which were quite fun .

Didn't take long to call it a day and returned to the drystack.

Got  one over the front in the harbour  and got wet as I didnt have the cabin door closed :astonished:

All good experience for next trip....I'll wait for a better wind next time:grin:


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