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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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lm not sure what sort of length required. So all you small dinghy anglers how much do you carry. l only plan to stay inshore say patch, ray mark etc. As l have been reading we should have 7 x depth so looking at the rought area of the ray mark l would 70m of rope which would be over 200 foot which sounds a bit excessive for 14 foot boat which l would only be out there on nice days anyway.


I fish on a small 17ft Explorer elite mainly inshore marks like you listed, I am lucky in that I have a large anchor well to keep rope in. I have about 150m of 10mm rope fitted with a small Bruce of 5kg however I do have around 8m of chain as I think this off sets the smaller anchor and helps it hold better I have not so far slipped. I use the Alderney ring method to retrieve so the extra chain weight is no problem. Its more rope than I would ever need, it just makes me fill confident knowing I have it if needed. I also carry another 50m coiled up as a spare just in case......


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