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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The following have not renewed their membership yet, if you happen to be in contact with any of them please give them a nudge.

The absolute deadline will be the May meeting.

I have sent emails.

Surname First Name Web Name
Baccus Martin  
Brain Chris Chris B
Brook Tim Grinch
Chapman Brian Geordie
Chapman Sam sam the man
Cooper Gordon Gordoncooper1951
East Mike Tiderunner
Fishlock Norman Norm
Fox Mike Mike Fox
Gould Roger Rogerandout
Green Andrew Andrewgreen21
Green Keith Beachcaster
Mackie Duncan Duncan
Mclellan Gordon Reveller
Nightingale Malcolm nightingale300
Race Jason  
Randle Toby Livebaiter
Roche Karl Karl R
Sherwood Richard Rich240
Shurvell Graham Bramble Banker
Simpson Ian iansimpson63
Starr Dave starrfish
Taylor Derek Derek
Toms Mike bassncodformeplease
Tong Ben  
Vasey John jayvee
Whitehead Colin Colin-58
Wilton Roy


Individual Membership = £20

Family Membership = £25


Payment can be made by:

1. PayPal 

Bank details are:

Payee: - PBSBAC,
Ref: - Your Name - Mem
Sort Code: - 30-96-50
Acc No: - 00102095

3. At the meeting on 2nd May

4. Cheque in the post, Payable to PBSBAC, c/o B P Runyard, 80 Beacon Park Road, Upton, Poole, Dorset. BH16 5PE 


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