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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Yep, it's not even christmas yet 

Yes I know that but, Portland 2020 is being advertised and I was wondering if clashes were ahead !!

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Funny I looked at wsf just a few days ago so they have only just put it up.


We usually plan for a bank holiday weekend in May but obviously depends a lot on tides.  The early may bank holiday is earlier than usual.  Anyways I can't stand all this excitement this early so I will bow out and let others decide :tounge_wink:


Martin,  the Early May Bank Hol. is later than normal.......it's on FRIDAY, May  8th ..... something to do with VE Day,  75th anniversary.

For info,  there's a full moon on May 7th....and big tides all over that weekend.




The tides on the weekend around the 2nd May look ok and also over the weekend of the 15th May (slightly smaller tides) so for the second year running the early May bank holiday is on a big tide.


Fairly small tides is what we prefer in general to avoid drifting across the banks too fast for the turbot's liking and then resorting to dragging metalwork to slow us down. Personally I've noticed the very smallest tides have not resulted in too many fish biting and that goes to for the wrecking too, even more so.


I'll probably plump for going on around the weekend of the 2nd May with 15th May as a reserve.


Some of the banks around Guernsey have been fishing quite well for turbot in recent weeks. Last year I thought we did 'ok' for the flatties, I'm certainly looking forward to going again, but I don't want to think about it too much before Christmas.


  • 1 month later...

There was a bit of premature Alderneyfication going on last November however the time has arrived to start the chat proper.


Last year I thought the flatty fishing was 'ok' certainly better than the previous 2 years remembering the catches from all the PBSBAC boats, hopefully that bad cycle is now past us.


Tigerfish is planning to make the trip ideally a 4 day trip 1st to 4th May which coincides with neaps with a backup of 15th to 18th May which well duh is also neaps. Sadly the early May bank holiday is on a Friday!! and unfortunately it's springs that weekend.


As ever the aim is a 4 day trip but be might reduce to 3 or move a day or so either side depending on the weather. Alun and Terry have agreed to put up with me again this year.


Terry I assume you will be sorting the accommodation, I'll be sleeping on board, I just can't get enough of those late night dinghy rides across to the mooring after a beer or two and the deluxe Alderney shower facilities :) .


So who else is up for making the trip?



Oh go on then, I have some of the old crew asking to come and checking dates


Tigerfish - Steve - Terry ?

Tarlach - Neil ?

Reel Magic - Dave?

Madness - Dean, Martin, room for one other crew member

Alfresco _ Charlie + ???


Tigerfish - Steve - Terry, Alun

Tarlach - Neil ?

Reel Magic - Dave?

Madness - Dean, Martin, room for one other crew member

Alfresco _ Charlie + ???

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, Mark has been a bit difficult to get hold of but has now touched base. I have 9 beds at the newly named Ramblers B & B (Alderney Angling as was), 4 of which are taken so, 5 beds left. This is for the 1st - 3rd May inclusive, i.e returning on the 4th.




There is obviously going to be more beds required than I have so I will endeavour to secure more. Watch this space. Can anyone else requiring accommodation please let me know ASAP.




Tigerfish - Steve - Terry, Alun

Tarlach - Neil ?

Reel Magic - Dave?

Madness - Dean, Martin, room for one other crew member

Alfresco _ Charlie + Ian

Loobie IV - Jerry + 2

Kingfisher - Chris & Mal.


Terry would it be possible to try and secure accommodation for two of us with your contacts please?

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