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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well it will soon be Friday which is a Bank Holiday, only a 4 day week this week :grin:  (what day is it now?)


Weather looks good Friday & Saturday but pants Sunday ……………………………………………… what to do? :frown:




Just been told to finish decorating the hall :bawling:


What a way to spend a bank holiday, I think I could come up with some better ideas what say you lot?????


Back to the grind on Monday, :mask:

6 hours ago, Coddy said:

Well it will soon be Friday which is a Bank Holiday, only a 4 day week this week :grin:  (what day is it now?)


Weather looks good Friday & Saturday but pants Sunday ……………………………………………… what to do? :frown:




Just been told to finish decorating the hall :bawling:


What a way to spend a bank holiday, I think I could come up with some better ideas what say you lot?????


Back to the grind on Monday, :mask:

I thought I had finished my jobs painted fence repaired gate removed decking after painting it 4 coats replace with shingle moved plants now I have to replace the boiler cant wait to get back to work mark


Thought you were retired Dave, sounds like you are busier than ever!!!

How about afternoon snoozing?
Not only paint the hall but also watch it dry?
Maybe time for another boat project?


6 hours ago, Rob said:

Thought you were retired Dave, sounds like you are busier than ever!!!

How about afternoon snoozing?
Not only paint the hall but also watch it dry?
Maybe time for another boat project?


Funny you should mention that Rob 🤔🤔🤔


Been looking but having an MGB GT waiting to be restored on the drive, might upset "she who must be obeyed" if something else turned up! 🤑🤑🤑


I always fancied owning a classic car.

One day I went into Black & White cars ( I frequently did ) for a drool.

I don't understand why but I cured myself and have never wanted one since.

Now I want a car that's useful, comfortable and reliable. In fact . . . . I'd rather have a van than a car.

Do you think it's an age thing ? ? ? :D



I always fancied owning a classic car.
One day I went into Black & White cars ( I frequently did ) for a drool.
I don't understand why but I cured myself and have never wanted one since.
Now I want a car that's useful, comfortable and reliable. In fact . . . . I'd rather have a van than a car.
Do you think it's an age thing ? ? ? 
More room for cake Jim?


If I manage to restore it,  it was due to be a road going track car as there are so many bits missing, there is not even a windscreen!

Needs new floor pan, footwell and I suspect sills as most MG's or come to that most BMC cars were rust buckets although not as bad a Vauxhall use to be, those old enough to recall the box shape viva must be so rare these days as they rusted away in less than 5 years!

Just wish my welder was as enthusiastic as me.  🤠🤠🤠




That's why I chose a fibreglass car with a rugged ladder chassis when in my youthful sportscar era.


well it wasn't really a sports car it was the first hatchback  a Reliant Scimitar GTE.

Looking back on it now it was a pig of a car but I did keep it for 12 years even had the engine and suspension rebuilt and upgraded.

What a waste of time  .


Then along came the kids and the Vauxhall Cavalier FWD....with power steering what a revelation...that turned out to be a pig of a car as well.😩


Aaaahh.......the good old days reminiscing about the old cars!

My favourite was my mk1 Cortina Gt, with a corsair 2000e gearbox,

Rostyle wheels.

Hillman Hunter GLS too, they came out of factory with Holbay engine with twin 40 Webers......went like a bat outa hell

Had a 3litre mk1 Granada, going down western Avenue and an old anglia made me look like a snail.....he had a 3.5litre v8 under the bonnet!

The good old days eh!!🙂


The young uns now think they're being green & ECO when they stop at the lights and the engine switches off !

I had those cars 40 years ago.  Viva,  Chevette,  Hilman Minx etc.

The difference being I had to keep blipping the accelerator in a desperate attempt to keep the flipping things going when I stopped at lights. :lol:


Ahhhhhhhh!   The good old Days.


I called the Chevette " KIT "

Not cos it was like Knight Rider but because it was always in bits. :lol::D




I had a Ford Cortina mk IV as a company car which featured an automatic choke, wow. It was useless, a starting preventer, if the engine was half warm like after visiting a customer it was 50/50 if it was going to start. I had a set of tools and sprays all ready to get it going again! Gave such a good impression . It wasn't that great from cold either!

Repeated visits to the garage got nowhere, and being a company car I was stuck with it. Finally it did it's 60,000 and got shot of it.

And then there was...


My first car was an Austin 1100 with 2 nd gear missing which somehow I managed to pass my test in
After that the list is huge mk1 &mk2 cortina’s
Several escorts from 1100 to rs2000
Capri 3.0 2x 3.0 Granada’s to name but a few


I had one of these. White like this.

Drove it on a motorbike license. ( Even the police didn't know if it was legal or not ) :D

It was so rusty the rear axle moved when I pulled the handbrake. 

My dad got his mate to weld it for me.

It was so dangerous cos of the fire risk the sent me away so I went up the pub and when I came home it was done :lol:

Engine was knackered too.

Great fun though I could flip it up on 2 wheels very easily. :)




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