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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Yes and yes.


Its not really a problem you can fish both comps at the same time.


As you know we do not have a weigh in for our own club comps so you can go to the Poole Sea Angling Centres weigh in. You can then register your club result with Charlie later.


The only thing to remember is that for the purpose of our club comp you are only allowed to fish for a seven hour period. Your time fishing our comp will start as soon as your bait enters the water and finish 7 hours later. Any fish caught after that time will not count for our comp. You can however carry on fishing until the PSAC comp is finished and then go along to their weigh in.

Any fish you catch after our club comp finishes can still be recorded into the fish book and be elligible for the fish of the month awards but please make it clear what you are recording


Remember our club is based on trust, we dont worry about guys weighing iin fish they are not entitled to, it doesn't happen




The other minor issue would be that you can fish two rods in the club comp but only one in the other.


For bream that's less of a issue than othertimes!


Guys, one thing that concerns me on entering both comps, is the aspect of the biggest fish. Unless all boats have livewells, that are able to support, say a three pound fish untill a four pounder is caught, allowing the three pounder to be released, I can see fish that may not have yet spawned, being needlessly knocked on the head, for the glory of a tin cup, and a couple of quid. Is this what we are promoting?


On a personal note, I won't be fishing this comp, and I would like to see consideration being given to staging this comp a little later in the summer season, to allow fish across ALL of our club area, to have completed spawning. I appreciate that we only have so many weekends to fit in so many comps, and that this biggest fish comp isnt organised by us, AND that club members have the choice whether or not to actually eneter both comps. It will be interesting to hear others views. Good luck to all PBSBAC members who chose to fish the second comp, but be mindfull of fish weights, and whether they are realistically going to attain a place on the prize table.


Tight lines, Rich




We (PBSBAC) dont promote the bream comp only our own, which is run on trust and doesnt require a fish to be weighed in.


It is the individuals choice id they wish to fish the PSAC Bream Comp - although I do take your point. I think most of us anglers are aware enough not to take boxes and boxes of fish just to win a prize, and personally I see no problem with taking a few for the prize / table to eat. Common sense must prevail.






I agree with Adam.


Our comps are run so that all fish can be treated as catch and release, and at this stage of the season all the bream caught on GW have been returned.


We have not caught many.


However we will probably take a few for the table at some point, and if we decide to fish the other comp next Sunday it may be then, we will not be taking home a bucket full.


Its down to the Anglers Choice, but Rich has a good point about the breeding season, please return all the fish that you can to ensure sport in the future.


Charlie biggrin.gif

Andy and I promise to return OUR fish...LOL biggrin.gif ...Jack

Good on ya Jack.




















A little snag, you've got to catch them before you can release them....... rolleyes.gif


we will fish the club one, as we catch and return.


Also how do members weigh there smaller fish is it in a plastic bag and dont include the weight of the bag or tare off on the scales, so can return teh fish as quickly and safely as possible?

Also how do members weigh there smaller fish is it in a plastic bag and dont include the weight of the bag or tare off on the scales, so can return teh fish as quickly and safely as possible?

Can't beat the humble carrier bag for smaller fish. For those big beasts, contact the UK shark tagging program at ukshark.co.uk. They do a superb pair of weigh slings, not cheap but the business and the money's going to a good cause.

They're also plugging the proper handling of sharks. We're not supposed to wave them at the camera using the convenient handle at the top and the tail to hold them (Guilty, m'Lud ph34r.gif ). Correct technique is cradling the shark with its nose (and teeth blink.gif ) by your elbow and your arm running down under the gut to support the internal organs. The other arm holds the tail and it's step, step, twirl, step and curtsey. Or is that the 'other' website? tongue.gif

I confess, personally I haven't got past the 'sweaty scrambling panic with tape measure whilst my crewman screams 'cos I've tagged his foot' stage. In my limited experience tope and hounds fight all the way back to the water, beats me how ANYONE manages to get a relaxed-looking photo sad.gif




Had exactly that discussion with Adam over his great pics!


my experiences have them trying to bite off my nose given half a chance!


suppose I could try it once more............ sad.gif


If you speak to him nicely,Adam will lend you his stuffed tope;pollock;bass;bream;stingray;shark or whatever you need ,he seems to have lots.!!....meeeooow !! ...jack biggrin.gif


if you can manage to cover there eyes or get them into a mail sack this will calm them down its when you bring them back out they go mental.




yeah but if your going to weigh them put them in the sack which cradles the whole body and stops the fish being damaged.



Is the forecast looking any good for sunday?

Distinctly not!! sad.gif


Forcast 25mph WS winds, showers with a little sunshine . Cold for the time of year 14C lower with the wind chill factor. Falling barometer.


Mad Mike

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