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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Noticed on my outboard the other day that the sacrifical annode tab type thingy under the anti-cavitation plate was doing its job rather well - infact rather too well I think. I have only had the engine from new since Sept 04' and the tab has already lost maybe 3/4mm off the end and is well pitted??


The boat isnt on the water its on a trailer and it gets used about once a week. Is this normal or is something wrong??




Generally Adam you spend far more time afloat in your boat than the majority of trailboaters. It's not just engine hours either as you are at anchor for hours on end, or drifting etc.


I have 4 largish anodes that are completely eaten away in 4 months so the scale of your's would seem pretty fair. From memory I replaced the tabs on my OB's after 2 years but they didn't get anything like the use you do.


You need to change it with more than 50% left on it. Yes it does still work with less than 50%, but it's a small price to pay when conparing other metal on the outboard..... dry.gif




You should be pleased the annodes are corroding and doing their job. When Maverick was on a pontoon berth I replaced my engine annodes about every two years but the two huge annodes on my trim tabs were replaced annually.







I am not sure what speed you should be expecting the anode to errode at.


But it is a good sign that they are pitting.


When they reach about 50% they will need to be changed, so that they continue to protect the other metal parts and cancel out the prop effect.


But on a trailered boat its not to crucial, as you can keep an eye on it after every trip.


charlie biggrin.gif




I don't get out anything like the degree you do ( so I keep telling Helen smile.gif ), yet my anode is corroding and disappearing at quite a fast rate as well.

In fact, your post has reminded me that I really ought to get a new anode sometime and up to now I was also surprised at the speed mine was disappearing at as well.





OK - so nothing to worry about then!


Just dont tell Rachael - she already thinks I go fishing too much!

Oh nobody said 'don't worry' mate. tongue.gif There's loads to worry about sad.gif


Global warming for a starter!

Then there's the third world debt, an' all the weight you've put on lately etc etc


Oh there's LOADS to worry about laugh.gif


Mad Mike

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