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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


On Monday recieved a late invite to join Humphrey fishing the RIPs on Ow Much yesterday. biggrin.gif


A couple of phone calls to work saw me with the day off and awaiting the crew at 0730 on the dock. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


We set off for the RIPs in company with Fair Lady

a stop 6 miles out saw plenty of mackeral including some small joeys, the bait tank was rapidly rigged and a few fish added for use on the drift.


the first wreck was too quiet, so we had a short move.


the second was much better, Neil had a pollack of 9lb 2oz on a live Joey Mackeral,

I then had a small pollack on a redgill, followed by my first Cod in a couple of years [5lb 6oz] on the redgill.


The tide then eased away and catching stopped. we even anchored for an hour with tope baits without success.


for the last hour or so, we went back on the drift

Neil was rapidly back into a decent fish on a Tiger Shad, a lovely Cod came up through the deep clear water, this fish weighed in at 23lb 6oz


Humphrey then had another good fish on his large pirk, that fought well to mid water before shaking the hook. He was not happy!!!!!!! mad.gif


While he was still groaning about the one that got away he hooked another, this one came to the net and was weighed at 18lb.


We had not caught a hge number of fish but the quality made up for the lack of quantity. we knew that the drift fishing may be slow on such a small tide.


It was nice to be out in the deep water on a day when the improving weather forecasted was what we actually got,


Thanks for the trip H





It was nice to see three on the boat, even if mine was the small one.


especially on a nice day in the sun.


worrying about putting sun cream on is not how I remember Cod fishing wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


do you guys think that the rips are just to far for us smaller boat owners or is it for the bigger boats only and what amount of fuel would i use on my boat what are we looking at useing there and back engine size 115 four stroke boat quicksilver 640 for those that dont know and it holds 90l of fuel blink.gif


mark b


coincidentially my ruff estimate, inc 20% contingency, would be 18 gallons (90l!)


however I would have thought with a spare 2 x 5 gallon carry on cans you would be well covered, alternatively 1 can and a buddy boat. The reason for the can is that if you did run out it's good to be able to put some in the tank for when you get back into the harbour (on a tow) - saves a lot of hassle (and embarassed looks!)




pretty much due south on the 19's I believe, show on the charts and plotter.


as PH entrance is on the 39 that gives 20 nm or so


here's a chart (maybe!) - should be able to see the area on it (now marked with red circle). After clicking on the thumbnail click on the arrows box that appears bottom right of the image to expand further



Duncans about right 20 to 22 miles from the entrance.


Mark its only about 5 miles further than where you were last Sunday, its just straight past Swanage and out instead of around the corner to the west.


add about 25% to the fuel you used last week for a rough estimate.


It is within range of your boat, If mine were faster I would go there more


That said please remember to check the weather carefully, your fuel consumption will leap up if you can not maintain planning speed, and wind over tide on the RIPs can cause some overfalls and lumpy seas.

It is a long way from any shelter out there, we could just see the isle of wight and the purbecks on a day with very good vis.


We did not get masses of fish but what we did get were worth catching.




Don't forget to allow fuel for drifting its suprising how much you can use returning uptide for your next drift.


If launching from Cobbs I would allow enough fuel to cover 100 miles of travelling in total = approx 32 miles each way from cobbs plus the rest for returning up drifts and spare




If we get a good settled period of weather and i am available i would love to come out with you guys as a safey boat and could carry your extra fuel if needed.


As I am 33ft long and have 420hp to push me along, so if anyone needed a tow wouldn't be a problem.


I have fished the rips quite often and the best time to get there is on the start of the flood as the ebb tide doesn't fish as well, also in a smaller boat you don't want to fish it on a spring tide as it gets very lumpy.

I am out of the country for the first two weeks in June off to the states again.


Reference bait dropper have a look at probass or boaters world at there chum dispensers, the white tube that looks good.





Allow about 1.25 hours from the entrance. Its a long haul without autopilot but will be a new experience for us.


I havent been to the riops before but have done a 90 mile round trip on a couple of occasions before when fishing the IOW. Its not to bad going or playing around when out there but seems a hell of a long haul home at the end of the day blink.gif


Looking forward to expanding my horizons and confidence




My little boat is way too small but I would love to come along as crew and try out some completely different fishing........ and help out with the cost of fuel.


Half term, any weekend or long summer hols.






Id have a crack if Bliss 2 was coming along. I could just carry enough fuel, and I would want a very good forecast - 1-2's, but yep Id be up for it.


Maybe we could have a look at some dates and tides, then all we need it the weather and a few weeks to save up for the fuel!!


going out of site of land scary!! blink.gifblink.gif

but i'd be up for it --weather permitting as adam says f1/2--

it would be a good warm up for x channel!!!


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