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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Many thanks to all who made the effort and were able to attend the 2nd return leg of our friendly comp with Burnham Sea Angling Association.


The weather was perfect after the F5-6 on Saturday and an oily calm sea greeted us early Sunday morning.


57 Anglers and 28 boats booked in for the match which surprised even me! This meant a very heahtly prize pool for the 6 heaviest fish.


The fishing was pretty hard overall to everyones surpise, but a few decent fish came back to the scales and it was nice to see the BSAA lads catching fish they never sea back at home - Garfish, Mackerel, Pollock, Bream etc....


Personally on BW with Gordon as crew we had a good days fishing but nothing to keep the prize money in my pocket! We headed west and stuggled in the tide for tope - 1st cast I took at 34lber, lovely fish and great scrap but no good for the scales! We then headed off to a wreck, where we figured the large tides would keep the divers off. After 3 attempts we anchored correctly and the eels came thick and fast for the 2 hours we had left. We ended up with a dozen or so but nothing over 25lb.


Final result for the day was:


1st - Richard Swain - Bull Huss - 11lb 9oz - 115.63%

2nd - D Teamer - Garfish - 1lb 3oz - 95%

3rd - B Page - Black Bream - 3lb 2oz - 89.29%

3rd - M Bowden - Black Bream - 3lb 2oz - 89.29%

5th - P Russell - Black Bream - 2lb 15oz - 83.93%

5th - J Geoffery - Black Bream - 2lb 15oz - 83.93%


I think you will all agree that the format has worked very well for this competition and wehope to formalise this and make it an annual event each year. Thanks also to Charlie for helping with the scores after work.






Thanks for all your efforts in arranging a comp that ran to plan even down to the weather..excellent


Dean and I really enjoyed the day although we didnt have much in the way of fish.


Attached is a photo of one of our buddy boats who did a good job of keeping up with Maverick rolleyes.gif well we let him really tongue.gif





Hi All

Glad you had a good day, I have a few photo's that I will send through tomorrow.


Nice to meet up again with the lads from Burnham, what a friendly bunch of anglers.

My pleasure to be able to help with the weigh in and scores after a frustrating day at work in such nice weather.


I heard a lot of good positive comments from members of both Clubs at the scales which was very good and its nice to see an even share of the prizes between the two Clubs.


Well done to all the organisers {Dorset and Somerset]


Charlie biggrin.gif


biggrin.gif Adam obviously had a deal with the wind gods but the tide was more fierce than anticipated and having slipped off the famed undulate mark twice the chances of winning top honours evaporated. Thanks Adam it was a good day for all. Thanks also to Frank who kept on about the fabulous bream fishing he and Barry were having so much that we went over and drifted past him catching four good bream and a pout in twenty minutes. I didn't clock the numbers--honest!!



It was a great day to fish, although I could have done without having a buddy boat that I had to wait for and then ran out of fuel on the way back ( mainly due to our trip out to the banks and back ) smile.gifsmile.gif


Seriously, we went to fish the banks but the tide was far too strong, so then drifted peveril ledge to show Sam how to catch the wrasse unsure.gif and then went to Evans bank where it was bream after bream ( only up to 1 1/2 lb though ).


Still, it was only my second trip on Neo out of Poole and I learnt much to make future trips more productive and on another day we could have had a ray ( or two ) and maybe some tope.


It was well congested getting back and I even got to retrieve the boat "Burnham style" smile.gif

and did everyone see that rib ( sealegs ) which drove out the water and up the slipway !


thanks to all who organised it - Adam I guess did most of this.


Adam, great day, great weather, great company, thanks for your efforts in organising a smoothly run return leg.


Heres a pic of the Bully, (hopefully!), thanks to Mark for the day out.


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