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What do you guys consider to be the best fixed action camera for a boat (remote activated)? Sort of looking at fixing one to the radar arch overlooking the deck and immediately alongside to capture fish being landed and smiley faces with the catch on board.


Wedge  😎


I have used Go Pro's and the much cheaper copies.


Tried controlling them from the phone App, but that takes time and eats the battery.

The cheaper ones have a control that you cam wear on your wrist that is useful, there batteries also last much longer.


The fact that they are in a protection water proof cover helps, but because of this, sound is an issue


The recent Falmouth trip I had some great video of Jerry's fight with the biggest beastie, but the sound was as I say poor.


My biggest problem is the time taken to edit.


Images and videos taken on the phone do not have the same problems but I am not putting my smart phone in the salt water

27 minutes ago, Tiddler said:

Found many more interesting models & prices yet Trev?


I can't find another which ticks any more boxes I might need than the V 50 Pro. Providing it is totally waterproof and has enough battery and memory I think we are in.



I have tried messaging John Locker to see what he uses [Fishlocker on you tube]
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You should have mentioned earlier, we saw him at the marina on Saturday.

I think a few are using the new DJI action cameras.


The best is the DJI Osmo Action (John fishlocker ) uses one .

It seems better than Go-Pro , 

Only negatives seem to be , battery life ( I have a separate power bank)

Use a 128gig card

I bought one for Tracy for her birthday, we are still experimenting with it, still working out the ^ upload _ downloading stuff ‘not got into the editing bit yet so might go and give Jim a shout to get some help 


I found his manner a bit annoying at first but that's his charm.

Just enough humour whilst giving you the info you're after.  ;)



Trouble with trying to edit after the recent Falmouth trip is running out of space on the laptop and expansion drive.


Can anyone recommend a good external storage/expansion drive?


If you have a spare USB port use a WD Essential Book or similar. Got one about 3 years ago for about 60 squid. 3 terabytes. Jolly good for system backups too.


I use a docking station.

Usb & Power adaptor.

It takes standard hard drives and they work just like a drive on the computer but can be swapped.


Similar to this:

Tecknet external hard drive hub.




:)   :smileys-fish-777679:




Or get a NAS - Network attached storage.

I have a Synology Nas, it plugs in to router and you be accessed from any machine on network / WiFi. Runs my surveillance camera software too.

Has a app so you can see the files when out of the house also. Which, isn't used often, but great when required.

You want to go wrong with Synology. Buy big so that you have have the disks mirrored. This means you have 2 copies of your data on it, meaning if one drive inside goes pop, you still have a copy, slot in a new one and it rebuilds it automatically.



On another note, if you have Amazon Prime membership for free shipping and some TV services. Also included is free unlimited photo storage. So get the app and upload away, all stored off-site should the worst happen for free.

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