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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi there,




I've discovered the guy I was negotiating the supply/price for the sandeels with is very unreliable and I could not suggest we did any business with him.




As Rich suggested I phoned Weymouth Angling and spoke to Richard there. He has agreed to sell to the club at the folowing price:-


Storm 6" sandeels, 10 in a pack, at


I'm out all day tomorrow - fishing biggrin.gif the bass are in wink.gif


So I'll collate the order at the weekend.


Not quite sure how to sort out monies etc. I could buy 'em all but then postage to Wales plus postage back to Poole a bit of silly increase in costs.


BillyBoy has kindly offered to collect and distribute etc. Has the club got funds to make the purchase and then collect payment etc.?? I'll PM Martin and see how he wants it organised.


I'm afraid being in Wales makes things a bit difficult, but I hope to move to Poole/Weymouth in 18mths. I think that's a bit of a long wait for your Stormies biggrin.gif


Cheers - Jack



Thanks for sorting out a good deal for us Jack. I will leave this thread running for a few more days to get orders in then arrange for collection.


Those that need items posting to them would obviously have to allow for postage in determining whether it is worth their while or not, others can pay cod at a club meeting







Nice work Jack, I knew they would come across with a good price. I'm sure with a regular-ish order strategy, we can beat them down a little more. I'll give you a lend of my negotiating stick........ wink.gif




Hi Billy


We are going to let it run for a day or two more to give everyone a chance to order then work out the quantities.


Would it be pos for you or Rich to collect the order for us?

Perhaps when Rich is making one of his flying visits he could land at mine enroute home to deliver them


The club will reimburse whoever picks up the kit but we do need a receipt for club records. If its easier I can forward a cheque prior to collection of the order.


Let me know the best way to play it





Mornin' all,


If you use your powers of negotiation Rich and then Boybilly has a go afterwards WAC could finish up paying us to take them off their hands wink.gif


I say have a go - the cheaper the better; as long as the sandeels are genuine Stormies. I can get Tempest 6" sandeels at

tongue.gif Hi Martin, It will be no problem to arrange the pickup for you. Rich is down this way fairly often but I could also run them up if necessary. Payment will not be a problem as I can pay or get them on my account, then you can just pay the invoice on receipt. Regards, Billy

Can I up my order? The Rips took their toll on my Stormy supply!


New order:


4 packs of 4" Shads (2 x Blue mackerel ones and 2x Green and Orange 'perch' ones)


1 pack of Sandeels.






rolleyes.gif Could I have 2 x packs of shads please, Martin if you or anybody can't get hold of me its because i'm moving house and my internet connection will be down for a while as of Monday 20/06/05, I hope to catch up with you all at the next meeting,

tight lines to you lucky ones getting out !!

Kim mad.gif

  • 5 weeks later...

Kam, if you keep your eyes peeled on storm prices, Weymouth Angling were offering a three for two offer, which beat our oringinal best offer, so it was prudent to buy sandeels at these prices. Some shops will say they pricematch, but Poindestres are notorious for saying, "Oh we cant match that!" So its best to keep your eyes on ads in mags etc, trying to entice anglers to bite!




PS I still have a few packs of storm lures, 5" and 4" shads at

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