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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, we did it! - After 2 years of talking about it, we finally made the plunge and at 7am this morning we headed South to the Rips.


The forecast was good, and after being out Friday night I expected a mirror calm sea...but on leaving the harbour a nasty SE swell greated us. Once we had depth this calmed down, but made us stick to 14 knots on the way out. We made the mark in 1hr 30mins.


Fishing was hard work - Bob had a take 1st cast but lost it. We fished shads, live mackerel and twin tails. After 2 hours just 2 lost fish. A move to another mark also failed to produce.


We then headed to a wreck - 1st drift, bang, I got a pollock, 2nd drift - bingo! Cod!!! This is how it continued for the rest of the tide, but alas the cod failed to show. The return ebb tide was very poor, so we decided to call it a day and head in. 19-20 knots all the way home made it 1hr 15mins....funnilly, it was rougher around peveril with the ebb race than it was mid channel...


Final tally - 12 pollock, best 9lb 8oz, 1 cod - 8lb 6oz.


Not a great fishing day, but very satisfying - horizons broadened!





Hi Adam


Well done mate, another venue tried and with good results for your first visit. biggrin.gif


can you all send me catch reports or emails of who caught what, so that the book can be written up.


It looks like I will be busy later as everyone is keeping their competition catches a bit hush hush wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif

Back to the decorating today weep.gif


Paul and I steamed out a little later than the main flotilla of boats. After an uneventful cruise out at around 18knots we arived on the mark for 10:15am Fishing shads on short rigs We managed 4 cod and 3 pollack on that mark but fishing was slow so a move was in order. Firstly I put in the wrong co-ords for our next mark but as it happened there was a bank on exactly the wrong numbers so we gave it a go. I fished feathers to try and get some mackerel and another cod decided to grab them tongue.gif Time was getting on and I really wanted to try a little wreck fishing so we steamed over to the now corrected co-ords and found the wreck straight away. First drop and bang a nice pollock of 9/10lb caught on hockeye's intended for mackerel but I am not complaining laugh.gif So then it was the long steam home in the company of "Blue Warrior"


So the best fish for me caught on legitimate tackle was a cod of 6lb 9oz and for Paul a cod of 6lb-4oz both weighed at home on ere indoors kitchen scales.




A most enjoyable day out on Maverick. A few details missing from Martin's report ( such as saving a car from being pulled into the quay - winch breaking - me almost losing a finger ! amongst other things ... ).


I initially found the fishing hard, losing 3 stormies along with weight and leader in 3 consecutive drifts. However, martin had a giood stock of stormies and after some good advice I learnt quickly how to fish them.


Martin had the first cod and then I lost some tackle. Second drift I caught a cod much to my shock ( This is the first club boat I have been on which I actually caught what was intended ! and only the second boat on which I have failed to blank - I avoided this by catching a pout on Great White)


Many of the other boats at this stage went off to another mark but we did another drift and another cod to Martin ( whilst he was talking to Sweet Honey I think ?)and then a Pollock ( returned ).


I then caught and returned a pollock whilst martin was chatting to Duncan and then caught another Cod.


Then off to another "mark" with Sweet Honey with us which was actually the wrong numbers and martin only went and caught a cod on feathers - unbelievable !


Steamed over to the correct mark and watch martin catch a good sized pollock whilst fishing for mackeral rolleyes.gif


Then the long steam home where we heard Sam ( Great White ) chatting to Loyal Royal and reported in the 5 cod / pollock etc.

Definitely up to going out there again - weather willing.


Thanks Martin for a really enjoyable day out and I hope Dean is not too envious biggrin.gif


I haven't much to add other than I blanked weep.gif .


The ride to the ripps with Gordan and John was rough, constant banging and my arm hurt with steering the whole day.


I supposed the omen was there, 2 minutes in water and the transducer stopped working. It was touch and go whether we should continue, but we decided to go since we couldn't fish anywhere else without the fishfinder anyway, at least there's a chance of fish at the ripps although tackle loses can be high. (lost 4 weighs, 6 worms/shads, and the braids in both my reels.) weep.gifweep.gif


Once we got there, we just followed everyone else and queued up for the drift. John had the first fish of the day, a pollock, about 3 lb while I had a good take at the same time but lost it half way up. Gordan had a smaller pollock the next drift.


We stopped at the slate bed on the way in to try for a bit, no luck other than a few doggies.


I got back at 10:00 had a bath and crashed straight into the bed until the missus came home at 12:30am. Never been so tired in my life. I still haven't wash my boat out, must do it later.


Firstly glad everyone got there and back without too much incident - the trip out was marred by the unfortunate swell (direction and size) but as others have said the trip back was great adn I also felt the overfalls were significantly smaller than I expected - maybe that's because we are so use to St Albans, Peveril etc.


With Dave refusing to 'prat around' with shads, and Alun having practiced for the first time the night before on the A. Sky, it was an aprehensive first drift - made more so as Sundance dropped right inside us.


I had a pollack around 4lb and Dave landed a Brill (3lb 2oz) on his mackerel strip to stop us dead in our comments!


Overall it was harder than I had anticipated with fish clearly localised. We ended up with Alun taking pollack to around 7lb and I had Pollack and a Cod of 7lb 4oz. As the best fish we had managed on Friday had been a Pollack around 9lb to me we clearly weren't burning up the comp stakes but were enjoying ourselves (I think?).


Deciding to stick to our original plan we headed back in to Dancing ledge, stopping of at a gulley half way for the odd hour. Beautiful run in with the only noteable element being us crossing the Condor heading in from the CIs. At about 4 miles Alun asked if I thought we were going to get close to it adn I advised him maybe but we are stand on vessel so he will expect us to hold our course and speed..........I think he thought I was joking but the Condor altered course to pass behind by a few degrees at around a mile and we eventualy crossed no closer than 500m at any time.


The gulley was interesting as 45m is a lot to anchor in ........... however we were now to get lesson II from Dave as we laughed at his whole old (er) mackerel bait on a mono snood - what do you think you are ogin to hook that you can land with that? Sure enough the only fish we had there (apart from joey mackerel attracted to a sack with magnet) was to that bait by Dave - initially thougth to be a smut with attitude it became recognised as a Spurdog when it managed to get Dave' s leg! Pulling the scales down to 11lb 7oz it swam of happily enough despite Dave's swearing at it.


Moving in again, to a mark we know and love, the rest of the Magnet went down on the Anchor chain and we settled down to some good bream. Unfortunately no one had told the bream - nada no bream. However we did have undulates all round with the best going 11lb 12oz to Alun.


Dave managed another feature fish with a pretty red gurnard then it was back in to dock just before 2300h for the second day running.


4 hours of baot cleaning this morning followed by a long run home was not the way I would have planned Sunday but you can't have everything.


Great fun and good to see so many boats out.

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