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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having got the taste for fishing mid-channel last week, Martin and I decided to have a crack again yesterday as the forecast looked reasonable.


Bob F was on Maverick and I had Gordon with me.


A late start as the flood wasnt until the afternoon saw us wizzing across the bay towards France at 20 knots - it was so smooth Gordon drove and I cooked the breakfast - like a sheet of silk it was!


Record time to the mark, and quickly down on a differnet spot rekoned to be good for a cod - hit the bottom,1 jig - nothing, 2nd jig - Bang, cod on! About 7/8lb it was the best of the day and I foolishly said to Gordon that after that we would stuggle - how right I was!!


We ended up with 5 cod and 6 pollock for the day, with the best 2 pollock going about 9lb.


The wind picked up in the afternoon to about a 3/4 but again it was still smoother way out than around the headlands on the way back in.


Another good day - would just be nice to locate a few of the bigger cod that we read about so frequently, are they really that uncommon or are we just fishing the wrong parts??


Anyway off to Majorca for a week now, maybe another trip when I get back!!




Nice one Adam, sorry I couldnt tag along work!!! Will be doing two days...with possibly friday evening thrown in for good measure!!! Have a good holliday, will sort out your turf on your return.




The catch report on Maverick was 4 cod (all to Martin!!! weep.gif), best was 7lb,

and 6 pollack up to 10lb (that was Martin's too!! sad.gif ).


Martin did at least allow me to catch a 7lb Pollack...well, it was my birthday. blink.gif


A super day out. wink.gif




ps - thanks for the cod, Martin. But don't tell Karen I didn't catch it. ph34r.gif


The catch report on Maverick was 4 cod (all to Martin!!!  weep.gif), best was 7lb,

and 6 pollack up to 10lb (that was Martin's too!!  sad.gif ).


Martin did at least allow me to catch a 7lb Pollack...well, it was my birthday.  blink.gif


It seems a common occurance that whoever crew on Maverick is not allowed to catch any decent fish..... tongue.gif

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