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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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is there anyone who trailers there boat to poole intrested in buying my cobbs quay slip key? i bought it 3 weeks ago and it entitles you to launch and recover at cobbs quay. and the full use of there w/c and showers. it cost me


no martin i have sold loyal royal i had to because of this new house she is going on saturday and i could not turn down the offer, but she is going to a good home one of the boys from burnham has bought her . ohmy.gif but no i have not given up fishing no way i will get a smaller boat when i can aford it dry.gif but i got a good price for her weep.gif .


mark b

is there anyone who trailers there boat to poole intrested in buying my cobbs quay slip key? i bought it 3 weeks ago and it entitles you to launch and recover at cobbs quay. and the full use of there w/c and showers. it cost me

Hi Mark


Sad to hear that the boat had to be sold weep.gif but I expect we will see her again if she has joined the Burnham fleet. biggrin.gif


If you have the time for fishing with a new house to sort, out I know John Manser was struggling for crew on his warrior. His regular crew is no longer available.


I am sure you will get many offers, and if you can stand the slower passage time you are welcome on GW.





Hi Mark


Welcome to the house move team, I expect you have been given a list of things that need sorting sad.gif


If you need a trip out to brush away the blues, greens, yellows give me a shout wink.gif


Bring your little book of numbers as well biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif





thank's again guys i think we are going to sign contracts tomorrow, and move in on the 29th july fingers crossed, as this move has been going on for nearly a year, and im at the end of my teather with it all, so one week left at work then off to turkey cool.gif for two weeks, biggrin.gif back on the 25th and moving on the 29th but we had to get away, kids off to mothers wink.gif for two weeks. so not much time for fishing, but i will take my fold up rod to turkey with me.


mark b

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