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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Endeavour3 ‘s new motor was booked in for its first service on Tuesday.James and I took her down . I’d guesstimated she had run 20 hrs.
Left home at six and unhitched her at Holes Bay Marine at 8.45. Went and had a coffe with Jerry Shutter who has a nice bungalow overlooking holes bay. Went to the quay for bait and breakfast. Soon got the call “she’s ready”.
How many hours did I think she had done? The engineers chip read 19.6. Good guesstimating! (Using navionics track records)
Beautiful day but a force3 to four ( all flags flying well) boded dodgy sea state .
We figured if it’s too rough we’ll fish in the harbour but were told that the Harbour Master isn’t allowing fishing in the harbour because of the oil spill . 
We spent 40 mins pulling lures by the training bank . Some  waves over a meter were coming through so I stayed at the helm mostly.
We quit that and ran for the lee afforded in Swanage .
There I tried to find top speed but at 5 K rpm we were touching 20 knots and slamming uncomfortably. Top speed is for another day.
Lunched on a conservation buoy there.
Last time we had no tea, this time we had no sandwiches😩.
After an hour we felt the wind was dropping and there were less whitecaps at old Harry so we made a track to the outer patch.  Anchoring went well and we fished spot on our desired mark. 
we fished 3 hook flappers with squid capped worm ,and also bunged a whole squid over for good measure.
It wasn’t too uncomfortable. It was around low tide and stuck it for an hour letting out another 20m of anchor line to change the scenery.
No bream action so after an hour or so we upped tackle and look who was chewing our squid!
Small trophy no blank!
So on to Bournemouth to chase plaice . 
In a series of drifts 
I caught 1 and james had four . Hurrah.
Could have stayed longer but wanted to attend boat club AGM.  We thought we’d take th boat to Oakdale Conservative club and find a leafy lane to park it on. Sat nav took us half a mile up a single track road called Darby’s road north only to find the road blocked with iron bars. There we were ambushed by the locals . A very friendly couple who helped us unhitch the boat and manhandle it up their drive to effect  a  U-turn. 
Oakdale con club is half a mile away on another Darby’s road . Using the postcode got us to a cul de sac nearby where less friendly natives watched us do a turn in distain . 
Fortunately there was a leafy lane to park on nearby. And eureka ! The con club. Sorry we were late Mr chairman. Congrats Mal and thanks and respect Brian.
Still we heard a talk on 
Match angling…..quite a different kind of day out.
Sent from my iPhone

I see Mal mentioned my dunking in his report so I’ll explain.


When they put those yellow buoys in at Baiter, did they dredge it a little bit? I tied to one next to where the slip is about 3 ft deep and thought it was the same under the boat. What happened next was reminiscent of that famous puddle scene in the vicar of dibley.😬

Actually it didn’t quite go above my chest waders until iclimed my rope ladder to get back aboard and found I couldn’t do it without leaning back!  I got aboard with a litre of water in each boot .Yuck. 

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