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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Maiden voyage this week. All I am saying is that it'll be somewhere in Dorset at a time to avoid coarse and ribald comments from any of you lot come down to take the pee. biggrin.gif


Any road up, At the weekend Mark and I want to go a'fishing O' and I was wondering where to go to Christen our boats fishing life. Launching from Poole, where would you reccomend for a bit of fishing? What for and what with?


Mad Mike




We have already written the book on Cocks ups and have added a few more chapters recently:


"recent ones of note are : filling your unleaded tanks with deisel and launching straight onto the concrete slipway courtesy of new nylon rollers.


You'd have to go some to beat that!


Anyway, have not fished Poole recently so i'll leave that one to the locals


Paul J

sad.gif Mike,If you could just put things off for a little while I am bringing out my "how to do---"SEA FISHING" book. It will be very informative and crammed with wonderful colour illustrations...Including tips on "where to find them;how to catch them;fish identification by memory;anchor use and retrieval;fish finder adjustment",and many other useful topics.perhaps I could put you down for a copy?....jack
sad.gif Mike,If you could just put things off for a little while I am bringing out my "how to do---"SEA FISHING" book. It will be very informative and crammed with wonderful colour illustrations...Including tips on "where to find them;how to catch them;fish identification by memory;anchor use and retrieval;fish finder adjustment",and many other useful topics.perhaps I could put you down for a copy?....jack

Jack with my wealth of experience and impressive catch record I feel well equiped to collaberate on what will become the diffinitive work on 'Fishes of the C and how she is court'


Mad Mike




A fairly safe trip for your maiden voyage would be Poole Patch. Bream, wrasse, smoothounds and the odd jack tope are around.


Would be a good place to try anchoring and drifting over the sands towards the Piers. Good chance of picking up Gurnard and Bream, and maybe the odd flattie.


Or try Ballard for Bream on the ledge or Bream and ray just off the ledge on the western end. Fishes best for rays on the ebb at this mark.










I'd like to state for the record that none of the incidents decribed were anything to do with me tongue.gif



these were stories from some of our more experienced members biggrin.gif


Paul J


Hi Mike


Do not forget the bung in the back of the boat.


Makes for an interesting time if you forget, which I do from time to time! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Good luck on the maiden trip however.





Hi Mike


Do not forget the bung in the back of the boat.


Makes for an interesting time if you forget, which I do from time to time!  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif


Good luck on the maiden trip however.




I did that once in front of my wife and son, I gave him a rollocking for messing around with the bilge pump. My wife replied in fury we're sinking you *&%$^^!

Should we start a new page of "What not to do's" ? it might rival the jokes page


Not taking off your trailer board is also a classic laugh.gif


Paul J

Good idea Paul, we have all had coke ups that in retrospect give others a laugh if not a lesson.



Mad Mike


Not taking off your trailer board is also a classic laugh.gif


I can add a few wink.gif


Not disconnecting the electric hook-up from the car before wheeling away the trailer


Not locking the jockey wheel up (100 miles of motorway do wonders for a jockey-wheel's tread)


Securing a groundbait pot to the anchor chain ABOVE the Alderney Ring, then drifting off for ten minutes wondering why the anchor hasn't bitten. I still blush thinking about it, though not as bad as the guy I know who put down his brand-new anchor/chain without bothering to attach the warp.


Trying to recover on a steep slip with the car out of gear


Dropping a mate's brand new crab pot right next to a navigation buoy "so we could find it again easily". Its still there now, wrapped around the mooring chain.





OR...moving full astern from your pontoon mooring with the stern warp still firmly attached. who would have thought you could shift a pontoon ?..[.anonamous,in order to save Andy from embarresment ].....not jack or anyone like him.


Bit silly: Forgot to disconnect the breakaway brake cable from the tow bar and attempted to drive off after unhitching the trailer, at least the breakaway worked as it intended.... dry.gif


Major silly/dangerous: forgot to strap the boat down to the trailer and drove 50 miles home..... sad.gif


Taking off the GPS/Plotter, fishfinder and radio - putting them on the boat seat and then forgetting they were there drove from Weymouth to Christchurch......


Sick feeling when I thought what I had done. Pleased to find they were still sitting on the seat ( minor miracle ).


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