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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well 'Pride of Morpork' had her maiden voyage this afternoon. We went form Cobbs at about 14:30 and had a slow potle down through the Haven. We opened her up for a couple of tiny little squirts in the harbour and her get up and go was certainly impressive, but nothing could have prepared us for opening up the throttle when we passed the 10kt marker in the East Looe channel. WOW! she flew, infact so fast that Mark and I were quite startled. After being airborne for half the time and a bit scared to boot we throttled back to about 25kts and it ploughed along wonderfully. Then we had a gentle pootle back up the harbour, slipped and came home.


Supprisingly we were asked by several other people on our trip "Is that a Warrior?" . When we said no it was a Samurai version on a warrior hull we got the most complimentary replies, so obviously it must be a pretty boat on the water.


Mad Mike


PS. Met a guy from Reading on the slip. He was asking about bass fishing so I told him about the club. He said he would look us up on the web and probably join. Not too sure about that though smile.gif He has the most georgeous F'off 4x4 truck I've seen. Jet black, tint's and loaded. The sight of this vehicle at a club launching sesh' could well drive some of the chaps into covetous fits of deep envy which at their age could be fatal laugh.gif




Glad to hear it went well. BTW what engine do you have fitted? Interested, as I have a 60hp 4 Stroke and my max speed is 25 knots, you say you backed the throttle OFF, suggesting a far higher max speed???





Glad to hear it went well. BTW what engine do you have fitted? Interested, as I have a 60hp 4 Stroke and my max speed is 25 knots, you say you backed the throttle OFF, suggesting a far higher max speed???



60hp Tohatsu 2 stroke and it FLEW ohmy.gif .


I mean at full chat we were wave skipping and to an old fert like me it was a bit too much of an ardrenalin rush. Just over half throttle was giving us an estimated 20kts, threequarter throttle gave maybe 25kts, but full throttle was like an after burner kicked in and it hurtled. This was two up but no tackle or the usual junk on board.


Also the transition from say 10 kts semi displacement speed or even 6kts displacement speed to full plane speed of say 17kts + is almost instant. There is no 'nose up' slow climb over the hump to get up on the plane; its just whoosh and your there. No nose up or anything just a flat push and your there!


I have never been in a boat that does that, although I am sure that there are many that do, so it came as a shock to find oneself hurtling along at 20kts+ when (seemingly) just half a second earlier you had opened up the horses.


We are out for a first fish on Saturday (west of Poole I think) and then the compulsorily families first trip on the boat Sunday. So I guess that'll be a "Can we go to Studland and have a swim" sorta trip.


Mad Mike




full throttle was like an after burner kicked in


that will be the second chokes on the carbs.......the ones your bank manager loves!


glad it's going well


Swanage Jazz festival over the weekend - seems a good reason to anchor upover there and maybe pop ashore for a pint at some point - anyone sees me feel free to wander over. If the BBQs on bring the mackerel!

I have a 60hp 4 Stroke and my max speed is 25 knots, you say you backed the throttle OFF, suggesting a far higher max speed???

Hi Adam,

From Mike's reply he may have been estimating his speed. Your 25knot max on BW is about the same as Lookfar's 27 knots with a 60hp 2 stroke (even the hull's the same colour, so its a fair comparison cool.gif ). Its not the first time I've seen 60hp engines reported to push boats to higher top ends than ours. Raider 16, Predator 160 and Wilson Flyer all seem capable of a few extra knots. Maybe hull design, maybe hull weight?




maybe hull weight?



Not to mention skippers weight, I mean ol' Adam is lookin' a bit on the chubby side these days. laugh.gif


Mad Mike


PS I am suffering from anorexia ohmy.gif Every time I look in the mirror I see a fat person looking back laugh.gif




As a matter of interest, did you get your speed from sat/nav or from the transon fitting on your fishfinder? It makes a difference.


MK 1 experience equates to:


Breeze up your Jacksy = 20knts

Flared nostrels and crazy scientist hair-do = 25kts

Puffed out cheeks, silly smile and watery eyes = 30knts

Glasses disappear off your face = 35knts



MK 1 experience equates to:


Breeze up your Jacksy = 20knts

Flared nostrels and crazy scientist hair-do = 25kts

Puffed out cheeks, silly smile and watery eyes = 30knts

Glasses disappear off your face = 35knts



Bl00dy hell man! That's the formula biggrin.gif How did you find out? It's a closely guarded secret know only to old pharts.


Other variations are........


False teeth vibrate in your gums. = twin engines 250 RPM out of sync


False teeth disintigrate in your mouth = twin engines 251RPM out of sync


As you can guess engine rev sync become a matter as important as ones haemorrhoid cream to those of a certain age.


Then there is wight of fish judged by the ammount of back pain experianced lifting the bleeding thing aboard.

A sharp pain soon gone is about 15oz

A nagging pain that remains is certainly 5lb

An agonised cry of "omybloodyback" is gona be a personal best in the region of 14lb 2&3/4oz.


I am sure that the older grand masters of our happy club will give more examples of stuff that one knows 'wivaht all this electronical stuff an bullocks'.


Mad Mike





Glasses disappear off your face = 35knts


I disagree - Neo is not capable of such speed and I assure you they disappeared off my face at around 4 kots smile.gif

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