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Have just received this from Chris Holloway. Hope as many as possible can participate. Similar to the Bream Tagging Program but for Rays and Skate. The Fisheries were really impressed by the participation and imput from their last meeting on Bream. Hopefully, we can rally round and do the same for Rays and Skate  which are on the decline in our area.



  • 2 weeks later...

There were 11 or so at the meeting.


In summary: currently in the the consultancy phase prior to issuing directives. It's recognised conservation measures are needed for rays and that recreational angler keep very few. There are some short term proposed plans which are rather simplistic and known to be so (size limits on rays regardless of species), medium and long term which are more species specific. The meeting was to get our input on the measures under consideration and suggest others. The meeting was interactive and I felt everyone had an opportunity to get our thoughts and suggestions across and most importantly I thought we were listened to. 


To avoid the possibility of a shouting match (which has happened 'up north') commercials and recreational are in separate meetings to get suggestions. Looking at setting policy in the Spring.


One interesting takeaway, there is currently maximum take size limit for undulates of 97cm (nose to tail), that's one hell of a big undulate, anyone like to postulate what a likely weight would be? So why no massive undulates being generally caught...




Good summary Steve, thanks


Its great that anglers are now being invited to share their views whereas in the past we were pretty much sidelined but I suspect there is a limited window of opportunity for us to establish our role as equal stakeholders. These fishery management plans are long term initiatives and many of the measures are still tentative because the effects are not really known yet. 

So if you want to see the draft of this one when it is published email http://fmp@marinemanagement.org.uk

to register your interest

2 hours ago, Stuie said:

It would help more if it were minimum size limit Steve - assuming all our commercial fishermen are honest.

The current idea under consideration for the short term (0 to 2 years) measure is a slot limit of >45cm wing to wing (20cm winged) for all ray species except undulates which  already has a pre existing slot size. Clearly this will do more for spotted rays than blondes. Also a maximum wing to wing landing size, the measurement subject to feedback between now and Spring. This is while further data is gathered on the needed slot sizes for each species, taking into account species size and breeding size.


It's pretty crude to say the least but easy to enforce. I got the impression commercials do not know their different ray species very well (blonde or spotted anyone!) but they can use a measure.


Moving to a min and max wing tip to wing tip size for each species with a species specific TAC.


In my view all very sensible stuff





Yes Steve a good summary. The max /min sizes are possibly going to be applied to more species, Bass ,Bream etc, I for one think this is very good. 
What we need as recreational sea anglers is for more people to turn up to these meetings. The government bodies are beginning to listen to us and take notice of what we have to say. RSA`s are now officially Stake Holders and as such have to be listened to. Please try and do your bit and turn up at these meetings . 


Yes Colin very much agree, it's important for us to turn up in numbers. In my view if just a small number turn up it would be interpreted as little interest from RSAs on this topic/species.


The meetings are informative and interactive, at no point did I feel I was wasting my time being there.

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