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Left Cobbs at 6.45am on Sunday with my eldest son James and his son Lenny , his first fishing trip with his grandad and he had been telling me the night before at a BBQ at theirs he was going to catch a shark, so no pressure! 🫣

While leaving the harbour through the entrance I noticed a marker bouy with a small fender being used as a Taylor bouy in the tide just off North Haven mast. Suspect fishing nets been laid overnight across the entrance!! 
As it was and would become a hazard as the traffic increased I radioed Harbour Control and reported it and they sent someone to investigate.



i listened on Ch 14 and when they got there the fishing boat was trying to retrieve their suck net! 

As this was going on Barfluer asked for permission to leave their berth to go to France and were refused as there was a hazard in the shipping channel and were asked to hold station. They were soon on their way but it shows the impact peoples actions can have on others. First thing worth reporting.

But the main thing worth reporting is we went Bassing, and James caught a mackerel on a Bass lure, what a result a mackerel and we weren’t even fishing for them. 👏👏



As Lenny wanted to catch a shark I hoped a fresh mackerel may encourage a tope or two over slack water, by then Lenny was producing his own ground bait, bless him as the wind had started to increase.
The tope didn’t show up but an LSD did so managed to blag him with a mate of a shark story.

Took his mind off the waves by letting him drive back so he was happy, auto pilot worked overtime though.

He slept well and has been telling his mum all about it today so it sounds like it all worked out fine. 


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