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having been 'shopping' for ages for a suitable cheap form of lights to fish by for the occaisional night time or dusk /dawn raid, I've finally cracked it!!


incidently these comments are related to my unsophisticated orkney strikeliner, with cuddy !


i've tried handheld lanterns - 20,000 candel power - great but... destroys night vison, and only lasts a few hours


Head lamps - krypton beam - very good and i still use one of these, until it makes my head hurt. tend to be very 'directonal' you see only what you look at.


Flourescent lantern 360 degree - also very good, but shines in your face, and always adjusting the position.


propane gas lantern - very hot and dangerous - but nice 'warming' feeling - no where to support it in a rocking boat.


55w halogen 'deck light' draws too much current (yes i've got twin batteries)


Main problem was anything I could mount on the bulkhead - not having any antenna rail or superstructure above head hight, would put me infront of any light, and hence I'd be blocking the beam at key moments of panic on the rods. Anything placed nearer the rod tips would shine back at me and destroy my vision.


My solution was to use a portable 12V fluorescent lamp - obtainable from camping shops (made by labtec). it draws arround 1 amp /10W and it comes with two plastic pipe clips which allow you to clip it straight onto your tent poles inside your tent - or in my case straight onto my pole light fitting. This has an added advantage in that the pole light tube is angled backwards hence projecting the beam down to the boat deck and the rod tips over the back of the boat. its above head height and behind me, so I cant get in the way of the beam, even when standing.


i chose the 2ft long one, which is easily bright enough for my boat, and because its so lightweight (fairly non-marine looking ) it doesnt place any load onto the pole light fitting which is fragile to say the least.


Also I can take it off the boat when I'm finished, so it wont get nicked.


Paul - now a happy insomniac.


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