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Took the my boat 'Gnasher' out for my 1st session in it with my bro Dom. We were at Muddiford slip at 5am, ready for a crack on Xray. Easy launch, up the quey and out to xray and plained at about 18knots. With no gps, i had to use the info passed from Paul D and James on the directions.


Anyway, tied up on one of the bouys, chucked out a squid on each rod and found dog city from the off.


Feathered up some maccy, boy is there plenty, full strings everytime. I fished a live Joey and Dom used a live Jumbo. Dom is first in, light 12lb class rod, 18lb braid and 12lb snood, he new he was in. 20 mins later, up pops a huge thorny, 14lb, what a beauty. Back to fight another day.


More Dogs, then in to a few smoothies on squid, only up to about 6lb, then i hit something on my big rod. A dead jumbo, 8/0s pennal, 50lb braid, 80lb snood and 20lb class rod. She hoons over, and I have never seen line spin from my reel like it. 50 yards in no time, then put a but pad on, a massive heavy weight as i start to make on it, then bosh, another 50yards melting from the spool. still cant stop it then bang, snood goes, clean bite. Big tope? or something else?



More dogs, then a pack of small tope move in, wired up so not to get bittern through and we land about 12 up to about just over 10lb.


On the way in, a bit of engine problems as she limps back at 2 knots. Dont know why, full revs, just no power.


Saw James hammer past, should of got a tow.


All in all, a great 1st day out in a new boat. Very steady for her size.







Doms thornback




Nice one Dan, glad to hear that we managed to put you on some fish. My best thornback from there is a mere 9lb sad.gif


I hope you remember where the mark is as it sounds better than the one I gave you laugh.gif


PS: Glad to see the thornback go back to fight another day ( or be trawled up by the inshore trawler sad.gif )


...could be - stick it into gear and see if the prop turns.


Saying that - when my last engine started to do this it went bang shortly after and cost me 6k for a new one weep.gif



Looking at your boat it seems you have an outdrive and i would suspect the same as Martin , the Bush has gone .

Depending on the condition of you prop i may pay to buy a new one .

Last time i was at Cobbs(Prop Revs) i bought two mint secondhand props for the price of a new one , excellent people to talk to

They were also selling props that had seperate Bush inserts ,which meant if one went you could take the old one out and put a new one back in yourself, as i understood it.



Hi Dan


Sorry I could not make it to meet up, sad.gif wish I had now!


Nice pic of the thornie, it is even smiling biggrin.gif


Engine problem, has your prop got a shear pin? If so this could well have been damaged/worn at some time. Did you hit the bar going in or out?


Good to hear there are still some fish about after the trawler has been around.







It was stuck between neutral and forwards, so when on high revs, it was only going a few knots. Well never mind, the fishing was good, just gotta catch that monstor from the deep.

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