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my boat has no front hatch, so pulling up the anchore is hard, i have to pull it up as i havn't mastered the alderny method completely(learning though).


The question is, if there is no front hatch to pull up from, what is the best retreval method? as i dont fancy pulling the rope in from the side because when the boat is pulled up to inline with the anchore she will be side on to the swell and send the boat all over the place. I could pull through the front roller, but the anchore wont be fastened and the chain wont pass through it anyhow.






I would use the Alderney method and retrieve from the side ( I have a front hatch on the Orkney as you know but still side retrieve on 90% of occasions ).


When using the Alderney method the boat isn't anchored when the rope is pulled in, so the boat is drifting and not necessarily side on to the swell.


If you like, I would be more than happy to show you how to retrieve anchor using teh Alderney method, it is quite straightforward really, only 3-4 months ago we had a retrieval / mooring / lifesaving practice, well worthwhile.






Best advise,


Join the club, come to a meeting, meet the lads and then get one of them to show you.


We occaisionally put on Demo's on this for new members




Paul J


I thought I was a member anyway as i sent a cheque off ages ago with a completed form. I recieved two forms and posted a cheque for 12 quid. If it wasn't received then i will put another one in the post. Hope im not paying twice though!!!


all very odd, and i don't really know what has happened with it all, anyway, membership sorted now!!! Im out 2moz pm from xchurch, let me know if anyone else is out. If weather is good, i fancy trying to crack the bass.




Now I know you are a member, I will give you the correct co-ords for the X-Ray mark smile.gifsmile.gif ( only kidding - honest ! )


What time tomorrow ? - Do you fancy taking your boat out Wed evening as well ?



hehe, you send me to the wrong place and i catch a few(i know where it is, you were nearly right with the info you gave me). I not sure bout wed yet, maybe though, but tuesday defo. I want to fish from early afternoon, till dusk time if i can, will check the wind though. If its not to bad I want a bass. What time can you get out? Can meet you at Wick?

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