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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Over the last few months I've had great pleasure in fishing with Steve Porter and friends on TangoBravo. Quite honestly some of the best Bass I've ever caught have come this year on board TangoBravo. Having chatted to Steve about my own angling success with Sea Magnet over the last three years, he decided to give sharking a go using Sea Magnet for the rubby-dubby trail.

Here's Steve


Good to see that you had a good day, myself, Simon and Adam are hopeing to give this shark fishing a go,in my boat how many gallons of your attracter did Steve put out? Did you leave it hanging over the side or did you just pour it over board and drift with the scent?


I believe it was about a fifteen mile drift, how far out were you?


Any advice would be appreciated.


Cheers Matt




We used frozen blocks floated next to the boat in a net sack, the colder and larger the better to get a slow even melt. However, if using the small 20oz bombs, the Australian idea of a transom tube would perhaps be more economical as it is more easily controlled. (Charlie, Great White is you man for that). We used probably 70kg + over 9 hours. You would use less by an order of magnitude with a trasom tube. The key is to keep the stuff frozen hard until you use it!


The only coment on loation would be... get away from the main traffic lanes, calculate your drift with wind and tide in mind, particularly in respect of obstructions such as shoals and pot lines.


Happy hunting



im out on the ribs at dads work both thursday and friday so no go


if anybody is heading out not the week coming but the next one coming i would love to boat a good bass or big pollack this is my last week of summer holiday and that would make my summer.






How big is the large block, will it fit in an icebox? How much is it?


Hopefully going sharking on the 4th, might pick it up from u on way back from weymouth this Sunday.

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