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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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as for you that dont know my aim for this year was to catch a 10lb pollack well i can know say i have don it with a pollack of 10lb 10oz


headed out early this morning to the sky and anchored up but soon got chased off by a gathering of divers so plodded out to another wreck and stuck in the anchor.


as we got ready fair lady and illusion made there way other and just as they got there i hooked into something heavy and stroppy ! 43 lb! soon we had a boat either side.


soon everybody on all 3 boats were hooking into conger and the odd tope every boat had one over 40lb.


total for the wreck for us: 13 conger [ biggest 43lb], mackeral[ 1lb 3 oz] and millions of pout


just as we were about to leave we pulled in the anchor and decided to have some drifts finally what i had been waiting for.


we decided to have a little competition between the shad and the redgill me using shad dad using redgill.


dad had first 2 fish then wollop i had a fish what a dive i was well impressed it didnt want to come up but when it eventually did i was well chuffed 10LB 10oz

we had 3 more fish and decided to call it a day and started on the 2 hour drive home.


arrived back on the pontoon and just as everything was going well i had to go step back to far and step backwards off the pontoon laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif and the worst bit dad didnt even notice until i got out.


a nice day to be afloat




Quote: a nice day to be afloat



Only stayed afloat by holding the rope he was supposed to be tying the boat up with biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Some one else helped him out, I was to busy laughing.


Nice to see the plan come together and a great days sport. well done Sam best eel and pollack onboard today.

No need to go in and thank neptune personaly though biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Nice fish Sam. What is next then ? - mullet ?

Was that the same wreck you got the pollock on before or one further out ?


PS: You were better out there than in the Solent - smoothies seem to be scare there at the moment - in fact any fish which isn't a dogfish or schoolie ! ( we couldn't find any smoothies and spoke to another boat who had noticed the same ).



paul this was somewhere alot further away biggrin.gif a bit far for neo might be alright if you launched from kimmeridge.




i think the next aim will be a cod im getting a bit hopeful know.


Just wondering, how do you get a big conger into the boat for photos? The leader isn't usually strong enough to lift over and net is usually npot used as it 'slime' it up.


Most of the skippers won't take them in, they choose to t bar it over the gunnel.




Most skippers these days carry a big net for eels - yes they make the net a little slimey, but if the fish is half decent ask the skipper - it would be unusual for any of them to refuse you a photo. They used to gaff them, but unless you are proficiant with a gaff (i.e able to neatly gaff it under the chin causing the fish little damage) then they are beastly tools which can easily kill an eel. The reason most are T-barred off if that it is the kindest to the fish causing it least stress.


On BW - we T-bar most of them off at the side. If they are a decent size up to 40lb we net them, if they are over this then they are gaffed very carefully.






we do exactly the same as adam but when we are using a 300lb mono with a big old meat hook you can normally just lift them straight in.


kam dont worry about the slime it washes off. biggrin.gif




Thanks, must try that when I get a big eel..... laugh.gif


P.S when you said under the chin, do you mean the 2 holes where we usually stick our thumb in to lift the fish for photos>?


no right up if you did it there it would tear a hole in the throat killing the fish right up next to the jaw bone.




Just underneath the mouth there is a thinnish membrane with no muscle, here is the safest place - but if youre not confident then go for the net everytime.


have to make sure the eel is totaly knackered before gaffing in the bottom lip i had on of 55LB gaffed in the lower jaw during the weymouth conger festival it spun and tore itself off the gaff making a real mess of its jaw in the process so we had to keep it which was a pity so a net would seem the best option


Peter is spot on they must be really well played out prior to a gentle chin gaffing or they spin and get well damaged


my net is not really deep enough but I have had 60lb eels in it, keep them in the net for a photo and weighing and they will not trash the boat.


we netted Dans 55lb fish last year, then chin gaffed it so he could hold it up. I will try and attach a photo. biggrin.gif




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