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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Happy Birthday mate


I have just seen this months BFM and your are equal third [6th at worst] with just a few contenders that could catch you, but by my reconing only three could overtake you so the worst you can do is actually equal 6th with two others[9th at worst]

so a birthday present suitable for a trip to Guernsey may be called for. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Well done to you again. great to see the Club represented in the final again


Bad luck Billy who decided to compete in the weymouth matches, for his weymouth Club and is currently 11th


Nice to see our Club represented so well


18th equal Peter Russell Snr biggrin.gif

37th equal Paul Dore biggrin.gif

40th equal Colin Moors biggrin.gif and Gordon Moore biggrin.gif


Five anglers in the top 52 Well done lads


Charlie biggrin.gif

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