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We ventured out earlyish on Maverick today. Launched at Wick and ploded out of the harbour then over to the island for a look see. Paul D and Les L were already out but both were struggling for mackerel. With that in mind I decided to go towards St Catherines end of the island. Still struggled to get mackerel, just the odd one or two appearing. Tried drifting for bass without luck so decided to anchor a bank for Rays. Well no rays in either but we did manage a couple of pack tope. I then had a bite and thought it was another pack tope, it was off like a train but as it neared the boat we could se it was a Bass and when weighed went 4lb 3oz. Dean was in next and brought a beautiful 6lb 51/2 oz Bass that was promptly put back to fight another day. It was all down hill after that. Had fun and games getting back into Christchurch harbour and then retreiving at wick at near low water but that's another story




Well done guys! It was Rachaels and James birthday this weekend so no fishing for me - sat in the garden doing family stuff today watching my 'wind tree' not moving at all whilst the sun beat down!


Martin - welcome to the fun of retreaving at LW at Wick! Its a great slip at HW but anything lower than 1hr plus it is a real sod - thats with BW, I imagine you had real fun with Maverick!




I had the same when I went out Saturday. Mullet fishing the hard way (magotts and ground bait) and only a couple of chequers showed. Not evan any roach or dace, so something put them off. Anyway, decided to give Cushdy a bit of a blast as I have put in some carbon cleaner in my fuel. (you should see the inside of my metal fuel tank, you can see your face in it! biggrin.gif

Also spent a little time playing with the trim and tilt, got her up to 25knots and then started to tilt out and at what seemed an odd angle she really got on her toes.

35 knots ohmy.gif

But if I try to get her back on the plane from slow its added another 5 knots to get her up. I will have to get a trim guage.


Anyway, had to wait 3/4 hour just to get into the harbour, and still adjusted my prop.


Had to get the boat in from the gravel beside the slip, that worked untill my rear wheel drive dug in the gravel. Luckily a fellow boater down for the boat show gave me a short tow with his 4x4 to get my wheels on the slip.


Maybe its time to talk to the local authority again, I would say it's worse now than before they fixed it sad.gif


Nice fish Paul


Definitely worst Gordon.


I will write a report when I get home ( not enough time at work ). Lets just say it was not an uneventful trip unsure.gif


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