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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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hmm.......Bass conservation!!!! OK lads, im not like some of you who put all bass back(OK, i dont catch any) as i like to eat what i catch, as long as its not over the top, but check out the pics on deepsea.co.uk as there is a pic of loads of bass caught aboard Lady Godiver, and they look small!!! They look about the size of my biggest which isnt very big at all. Personally i find the pic well over the top and would probabbly pi$$ a few of lads who are trying to protect fish from scenes like this.


check it out, would be interesting in some views (Fishy notice board on deepsea)


a view -


1. the fish are gutted so look a little smaller


2. the best picture is the one without the anglers and, although you have to work hard to get any size perspective, nothing looks under 3lb or small to me and the skipper's commented on a lot of smaller fish being returned


3. at 3-4 fish per angler on a charter boat this doesn't look excessive either; 2 guys on their own boat every weekend would be a different story - there's only so much bass you can eat!


4. not a good picture for a sea angling magazine maybe but for a charter business I can understand it. however if the picture was of one guy holding a 7lb bass, ungutted ont eh boat etc, and the story was about this party that landed 25 bass to 7lb with over half the fish returned you would naturally look at it differently (but the same thing happened!). I wouldn't therefore condone the image.


possibly not the view you were looking for?


btw link to image here and here- not embedding image for obvious reason.


I would have to agree with you Duncan - although I did have a similar initial thought to Dan when I first saw the picture.


In general I am not a fan of a group of anglers holding masses of fish - far better, a decent framed, good quality picture of an angler holding a fresh, clean fish straight from the sea - bloody, faded fish esp. in numbers do not give the sport a good impression to non anglers.


It seems some skippers, sites, anglers, mags etc have caught onto this, and I think decent pictures promoting the sport are more commonplace.




Barring the small one at the top corner, they all look big, the small one looks small, but still looks 1 1/2', way over the minimum 14" limit, unless all the blokes are dwarfs.


As Duncan said, 20 fish 5 angler, 4 fish each isn't excessive unless they do this week in week out.


A cracking days sport for those anglers and well done to the skipper for putting them on them. 4 fish each kept for their own consumption probably not excessive so long as it doesn't happen on a regular basis. I would though question the wisdom of putting a photo of 20 odd dead fish on view for all to see. The last thing us anglers need is to give the antis ammunition to use against us. Far better to see a piccy of a delighted angler with one decent size fish.


On a personal note Dean and I would have put them all back except for 1 fish each. Each angler has the right to do as he wishes with the fish he has caught, however those anglers that take more than their fair share will have to live with that when there are no fish left to catch!


Like Dan comments........... no right / wrong answers.


If these chaps have paid a lot for a charter and enjoy the meals [ or pass on to others to enjoy]......... it makes sense to take several fish [ esp. if they don't do it often]


I take a lot of fish ............. but eat fish most nights every week.


My 5 soles from tuesday night all got cooked up tonight , with visitors around for a meal ; the bass and bream gave meals on wed. and thurs. !!


I'll have to go out again tomorrow......... or I'll have to look in the freezer.




PS. Last weekend......... no fishing, so took ray from freezer one day, pollack the other ......... tip top condition / good eating even though they'd been there since June.


I have no problems with people taking fish home to eat, but smoothhound isn't really that nice to eat to start with. The last thing I want to see is for people to take them home as trophy to show off and then put them in the bin........


have to agree with you Kam over the BFM picture.


I can only assume that f'hall got in on her figure rather than her fish - which look decidedly dead. didn't sam (chapman) have a fish picture rejected becasue of a bit of blood (although it went back alive and happy ; in an angry sort of way rolleyes.gif )? maybe he should wear a bikini?


I signed up to the mag for 4 reasons - (1) the articles up until then had been excellent and relevant (2) keep up to date with JIMBOB's antics (3) see which picture sam had in that month and (4) a nice pair of scales. Only JIMBOB seems to have had the staying power amongst that lot!


that was daniel with his conger they wouldnt include it because it was on a gaff but still alive but they include fish that are as dead as a dodo mad.gif


it also happened with my 3 rays they said it looked bad because they were all on the floor what do they expect i just caught 3 in a row non stop im bound to a bit tired and i was only 12.



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