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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With things so busy both with work and social calander I had consigned myself to the fact that my next trip would be mid october for the whiting etc...


Then I took a call from a client who cancelled a meeting in London this morning - so what did I do? Go to the office for paperwork, or take a few hours off and squeeze in a last gasp bass trip - in hope of the ellusive double that have evaded me all year....


Needed to get back early as had afternoon appointments, so with Gordon in tow we launched BW in the dark at 5.00am into a rapidly emptying Christchurch harbour. We knew it would be tight to get out as it is still big springs this week, but wernt prepared for the mere 12" that greeted up in the pitch black at the bar.....we were doing 6 knots in neutral, so when we hit the gravel we hopped out expecting to be able to just pull BW over the gravel - we didint expect the tide to still push the boat though - so with both of us hanging ontot he boat we were swept along for 20 yards before it deepened off - sounds more dramatic than it was, but the hull took a few scrapes again!


Out at sea the mackerel were proving hard as others had said, then Gordon hooked a full string that was taking line! ohmy.gif Up pops a nice 4lb bass!


We then moved out to the mark, were thankfully the tide had begun to flood and the mackerel were on the feed, a mixture of joeys and jumbos.


It all looked perfect - the tide was big, the drift speed over 2 knots (3.2 max actually) and the wind just a gentle F1 S in the morning air - surely the bass would be crawling up the line?....Nope!


After about a dozen drifts without a take and a dozen lost leads and tackle later I contacted a fish....no the bottom....no - a fish!! This felt like a real beast and fought deep and hard from the outset - several times I got the leader to the tip only for it to drive back to the bottom - we drifted 1/4 mile whilst I played her - finally the lead appeared alongside the boat - the fish underneath, and we both peared under to catch the first glimpse of the fish - then out she popped and into the net 1st time - a real beast of a silver bar! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I wanted to return her so we took a few snaps then weighed her taking the bottom weight - before slipping her back, where she swam off powerfully. She went 10lb 14oz! biggrin.gif


Unfortunatly that was it for the morning and that mark - we finished off on another new mark and I took a 2lber on a Wildeye Eel - a 1st for me, then back on the slip for 10am, and back at work by 12!


A great morning, well worth missing a meeting for!



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