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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I can see a marked improvement in your fishing programme Martin. If you keep this up you will eventually be as good as Andy and I. How nice to hear that not ALL our club members,have wonderfull fish filled days out EVERY trip.Even so,

us two desperates would be glad of such a poor day,as yours and Dean's. !

Well Done !..encourageing report...jack biggrin.gif


(just for Jack)...........


Dave and I took the opportunity the weather forecast predicted, and actually delivered to the hour!

With Saturdeay also being as predicted I couldn't be arsed to head across the harbour to refuel so we made a quick stop on our way out Sunday - what a great advantage the floating poontoon at Corrals is.

Then headed out to our usual 'winter mark', last visited in February, where we were met with glassy seas and sunshine as the anchor hit the floor at 0845h and the process of peeling semi frozen squid of the bloack began!

The tide was gently flooding and the bites quickly came with fish through the first three hours before things seemed to go quiet for an hour - time for a move.

Decided to head East (as we hadn't been there for a long time either, and taking advantage of the still clam conditions, we headed for an area about 6 miles south of the Needles.

Dave's commitment to his maccy feathers whilst I get the hook down saw a mackerel first chuck,to add the the scad already aquired at the previous mark, but either he was a loner or the schoal moved on and no more were seen.

Settled down to a busy session which had us pretty much constantly on the go.

As the predicted breeze came up from the south the sea took on a distinct chop but no great problem to fish.

We called it a day at 5, anchor up at ten past and tied up at Rockley 1800h - and yes we did drop to 10knots through the harbour entrance but had a lot of water over the screen/boat on run back!

Fish wise we had bream, scad, dogs gallore, 11 tope, thornback and a pair of blondes going 18lb and 20lb 10oz. The largest of course falling to Dave!


Looking forward to more weather like that.


Great day to be afloat

and nice to see a mixture of summer and winter fish about


Jack/Andy I would love to take you up on the offer of a trip some time soon, so we can have a close look at the arvor 25

You may even put us on some winter fish


Charlie biggrin.gif


Charlie, the chances of Andy and I putting YOU onto fish [summer or winter ] is laughable.! .However I will speak to the lad re a trip out. I dont know how we are fixed for sunday yet, as he is house renovating at present,..She who must be obeyed will have to be consulted...jack


Jack - you know I am happy to put you right on the fish anytime you wish. In a month's time they will be more reliable, and I should be able to get out when the weather permits!


Determined to get to grips with these flounder things this year too - can't keep driving down only when the weather forecast says it's going to be good enough to get out side in some comfort - even fitting a heater soon to make bobbing around in the harbour in the wind and rain more enjoyable!


If the club doe's {how the hell do you spell it ?,] [ and dont even bother to reply I T ]....have a" spell checker",would you ask it/him,to "check" if anyone has put a "duffers" spell on Andy and I ?... biggrin.gif jack

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