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Landing Nets...........

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At various times on here over the last couple of years I have said yes to a large stainless one and a fantastic US sourced net......but never actually got any further!


On both the last couple of trips out I actually forgot to take my existing one with us at all, much to my crews disgust, and had plenty of fun with an industrial glove and large rays...........(btw do not believe that these will protect you from a large ray's mouth which can give a serious 'nip' - I was careless and lucky at the same time and it nearly removed the thumb tip completely!)


Back to the nets.......... as Phaeton has a large freeboard I would like to sort out a reasonably long, and therefore strong, handled net to handle our usual fayre of fish to around 45lb - ideally before the open comp. Haven't seen anything in any tackle shop that look half decent strength wise - suggestions etc etc appreciated.


Hi Duncan


I am in Toronto, Canada at the moment and hope to go to Outdoor World (Bass Pro) shop here.


If I see a landing net net what size are you looking for?

I dont think I can bring back the complete unit but may be get the netting for you.





Best of luck Dave.......I searched the Bass Pro shop in a vain attempt to source exactly these...having seen the quality of the nets Bob F bought home from stateside. I did bring a catalogue home with me, and they did appear in there, although Piemeister currently has it, so I cant give you the cat. no.


If needs must, I'll get my net needle out and make some up, if we can source a high quality string to use. A three foot deep net, two foot acroos takes about 3hrs to knit by hand, I still make all my ferreting nets, they outlast any shiop bought one.






Stainless Peter made me one of the quality stainless steel jobbies last year and I also havent managed to source net for it yet. I have tried trawl netting but it makes the whole unit so damn heavy....


Anyway - in the meantime I have bought a cheap Shakespeare job, and whilst it isnt anywhere near as strong as the SS one, it is light, smaller and more compact - therfore I have decided to keep this one and not bother with the SS one. If you want it you are welcome for the price I paid......you can have it with the fender I promised!


Then all you need is some netting!





Yes please - I may be down in Poole Thursday/Friday evenings and will bring cash - pm me how much.


Can you post the ring diameter for Coddy to see? Failing that how long are you there Coddy? Finally wasn't Bob bringing some back from the states anyway - thought I asked for one?


Still confused but making progress!


All this will make PaulJ happier too as we nearly lost him overboard in last years Poole Cod Comp when he was 'making sure' of getting a cod in the short handled net............. sad.gif as he always wears a lifejacket aboard we were able to grab him by the waiststrap as he hung out over the side!


simply rewarding your commitment m8..........the sort of action that gets you invited back again and again (whether you want to or not!) and also prompts me to get a longer, bigger, net!



this may sound odd but make your own netting from mono some of the competitors in the world championships recently had their own nets made of mono that enabled them to net triple shots of bream without any chance of any of the hooks etc snagging the net


thanks for that Peter - however I am looking for an easy solution and am actually 'as happy as Jack' if I get anything in the net and use such agricultural hooks etc that they aren't going to snag easily. I don't think I have ever used a 3 hook rig either!

Failing that how long are you there Coddy?

Hi Duncan,


I am here until at least the 5th November and maybe longer! sad.gif


I then might have to go down to Florida, hurricanes permitting sick.gif





Has anyone seen the "new" nets being used on Rex Hunt .etc. made from that woven poly tarpaulin material.with just a net side in them to let the water out. ? they seem to scoop out some huge fish in them.they dont damage the fish,and must be very light to handle..havent seen them for sale here,but I bet the freshwater boys know where to scource them.should'nt be too difficult to knock one up really,although I would be the last person to test thier suitability to land fish....jack




Does this sound any good unsure.gif ?


Sea Landing net XXL - SALE

Super robust extending landing net handle with octagonal aluminium profile, net frame from 6mm aluminium tube. Knotted monafilament mesh dries very quickly and offers minimal resistance when netting fish.

Length 2.0 M

Travel length 1.32 M

Net size 70 x 80 x 60 CM





James had one onboard DR. Yes they are lightweight but get a decent fish and they bend easily. The mesh is OK, dries fast as hooks easy to get out, but aviod if you want a strong hardwearing net.


I have one of these and I think it is superb - it has netted 50lb eels and 31lb cod with ease.




Not a fantastic picture, but it also has an aluminium handle and frame, but much stronger. The mesh is green heavy duty nylon.


Sorry chaps. My last two trips to the States I was unable to source any of the nets.

Florida had none. Don't bother to look in Bass Pro, Coddy.


I was in Califorina last month and went back to the shop where I'd purchased them before. They only had 24" nets left. You need the 48" size. Owner said he did not know when he was getting the bigger nets and wasn't able to do mail order.


Not sure when I'm back next.




what's going on here - you start a thread with a plee and get the net pinched out from under your nose!.............. sad.gif


now I am going to sulk

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