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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all!,


Just to let you know - Bournemouth Fishing Lodge in Moordown, Winton (915 Wimborne Road) is under new management!


Neil Cooke, previously asst. manager, has bought the business from the former owners. Neil is a good friend of mine, and we have discussed the area of sea fishing recently. Although not recognised for sea tackle in the past, Neil has pledged to change this, and had already re-stocked the sea section with almost every type of rig component you could imagine. He has also just achieved an Okuma account, and has stocked his freezer to the limit with peeler, hermit, mackeral, sandeel, lug, etc, etc.


Neil will also match any mail order price where possible, (most cases!) so you get the value for money - and the local service!.


If you havent been into the shop before, pop on in. I know it may not be as handy to Poole, baiter etc, as some of the shops, but I believe it to be one of the better shops in dorset.


I have also been negotating with Neil for some better sponsorship prizes this year for the open in return for a link on our main page.




Adam - if there is one product that screams for a decent price (club disount!) it has to be bulk braid.

Do you know if he has a source associated with carp / pike fishing already or if he can source at all?

With all the wonderfull new reels that have been discussed on here recently others are no doubt considering the investment for the new season!


thick braid? Only joking - I know what you mean. I have some 35lb Suffix bulk braid (green coating over white braid) which is pretty thick and I don't enjoy using it anything like as much as Fireline. The Ron Thompson braid looks nice - thin, round and 'tight' but I can't find it under 30 a pop for 300. Looks like more Fireline at around 24 unless anyone has any other suggestions?


berkeley whiplash takes some beating on a par with spiderwire, fusion braids have only one benefit over nylon they dont stretch but are very thick for thier breaking strain compaired to true braids like whiplash which is advertised in the mags for about


Berkeley Whiplash is the braid I have been using and I am well pleased with it. I also tried the Penn braid ( blue coloured ) but this is not in the same league.






I've been stocking up with a selection of line [ braid and mono. ] bought through ebay.


Be careful..... know a sensible price [incl. p&p.] and you can get what you want at around 1/2 price !


eg. 300 yds. whiplash / fireline...... around


STREN has been around for years, and years, and years.


Stood the test of time. First really became popular for Salmon fishing, but since has become popular throught the sport. cant really go wrong with it Alun, just a good, reliable mono.


Personally with braid (ive tried a few) I havent really found the ideal.


Spiderwire: Fused braid, so very smooth and very thin. Downsides: Thin cuts into you hands very badly when handling under pressure, outer sleev wears away from the core.


Dynon: Opposite of the above really. But thickness catches the tide similar to mono.


Gorilla Braid, + similar: Good combination of both of the above, but slipperyness can cause knots to slip. Uniknot best. Expensive.


I have one of each on my reels depending on what I'm after, and overall they are all pretty good - just personal pref.




stren v good very stretchy so forgiving and hard wearing ,dynon may look thick but is much thinner for a given strain than any of the fusion braids its the white colour makes it look thick you should only have to tie one knot in the braid , the one to the leader i use the allbright knot with a double thickness of braid and have no problems


anyone tried the new Shimano Antares Braids? THey look very well priced and offer a 600 size which is great for 3 reels. I tend to put a 300 on intact so 'waste'

quite a bit.. I suspect they are in the Fireline camp re diameter - ie a little thicker but significantly thinner than mono.

I am not to worried about diameter as I don't go heavier than 35lb on the grounds that even at 80% for knots it is still stronger than the pressure I can put on it with a rod!


I would love to be able to compare Fireline, Ron Thompson Dynacable, Whiplash and the Antares in 20-25lb strain, but few tackle shops seem to stock them all!


I have found Stren to be an excellent line, although I now use braid insteadon my reels.


Stren is a very nice line for long traces for pollack etc on the drift. nice soft and supple.


I like Fireline but when I change will probably go for whiplash.


Charlie biggrin.gif


the tacklebargins link on the club site lead me to some quite interesting opportunities; especially in the thicker braids area (28lb at .33 'ish).

Still can't find Antares anywhere yet!


btw Why would I need more than 30lb breaking strain for anything?


Whiplash and Spiderwire are my favourites, Gorrilla isn't bad either.


I agree with Duncan about the bulk ordering, we should be able to get a better deal somewhere.

They were not offering any bargains at the NEC fishing show which was quite suprising/dissappointing


Paul J


tacklebargains (who have a link on the ftont page of this site) have some bulk braid that they aren't naming but reckon is good. They weren't able to give line dia but have offered to send me samples of the 17 adn 25lb which I should have in time to bring down for Friday evening. Being a floating braid I suspect it was designed for the carp market but worth a look. It's priced at 46 for 1000yds (28 for 600) and some smaller sizes.


yep Paul that's the one that attracted my attention - one of us will have a sample for Friday then!


Do we get a discount on the published prices? and earn the club a percentage? I must have missed something........again!




No discount on the published prices. We do, however, earn the club 5% on everything ordered ( assuming they pay up of course ! ).


Box arrived from Tackle Bargains today. So delivered within 2 days.


I ordered some mackeral traces. They are the fladen ones you see in tackle shops. 5 for

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