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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well here we go again


lets have another try at finishing the series of comps and maybe get out to look how the marks are fishing ready for the 27th


The forecast that I have been hoping for for the openm seems to be forecast for this Sunday so lets hope its right and we can all get out.


please remember to call Peter or I


Hope to see you all afloat.



As another note, when we were out on Saturday one of the Charter skippers from lymington was having a moan about "those idiots on the VHF are from that Poole small Boat Club" mad.gif

He was openly accusing us of fishing close together and always using 25 watts of power and drowning out other VHF users.


I pointed out to him fairly bluntly that although I was chatting to Frank, it is a chat channel and the two botts were at least 7 miles apart. tongue.gif He went quiet. rolleyes.gif


It may be a good time to remind ourselves that we can be a bit more private by turning the power setting down when we are close together.


I am sure the VHF and mobiles will be buzzing on the 27th, lets not be a pain to other boats or give away to much to the charter boys


Charlie biggrin.gif






That makes me sooooo MAD!!!! Whilst we were out on Thursday the whole sodding bloody day was drowned out by the skippers from Lymington talking about everything from burning the toast to shopping....my thoughts on this are unprintable.


As someone who regulary fishes the waters in and around the island I have to put up with this, as unfortuantly PBSBAC and the Lymington skippers use CH6 - I must stress this is not ALL the skippers, but a select few - you know who you are... ph34r.gif


Chatting on the radio IMHO is fine, but these guys seem to do it just for the heck of it, christ, either buy a boat together and chat, use a mobile or shut the hell up!!!!


Off my soap box now...






It's not the crabbers, I have had the misfortune to have to listen to the guys that Adam is on about. Going on and on and on ..... How they can complain about us is beyond a joke.


They must be miffed that we use their own personal channel as well.



Hi all


Back to the main reason for this topic


The boys and I intend to go out in the morning on GW


we wil be fishing the comp and hoping for an ellusive cod


CU afloat


and I will be listening/replying on 6 wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif

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