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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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adam i am going to try and chatch some fish . not show my boat off but if that young man is there i am sure he would like to have a look .like your self and anybody else if they wish . but it would be nice to pilchard again i spelt pilchard right this time wink.gif .


mark b


Hi Guys

Went to the local tackle shop in Gosport today and Dave the guv. has reports of one boat getting 14 plaice in two trips on the west winner bank. as you have already said plenty of sparklers and rag with squid strip tip Hope all goes well for you I'm off to get yellow fin tuna and sailfish and some sun I'll look in when I get back


regards gus


Went for a "reccy" to see the slipway today. It was about 1 1/2 hours past high tide and the current was just starting to run. Not too bad - a bit like Wick ( except appears steeper and I can see what Charlie means re: shingle. )


Nice huge car park next door and my friend's boat is in the marina dead opposite - small world eh !


Learnt all about "the blocks" and if you don't know what they are and how to navigate them, then I suggest you learn ohmy.gif


I was unaware they were a huge barracade against submarines and there are two passing places - the one we would use is right near the shoreline at Southport.

Apparently the blocks are visible at low tide and it would be advisable not to hit them !?!


Pics of slipway attached



Is the slip going to be okay for the 2 big boats? Maverick and Loyal Royal are both 20 feet long!


What is the forecast for the weekend?






No problem, it is well deep there ( was high tide ) and the slip is well steep - hard to see that on the pics.


Havent looked at the forecast for the weekend yet, but it was bloody cold up there this lunchtime !



Can only get to friday...force 6 with moderate rain!!!! ohmy.gif


Lets hope it backs off for sunday...I cant face another weekend of decorating!


Nice pics Paul.


I'm going to have a look at a couple of other slips tomorrow, just to compare.

One is one the Hayling side. A little further to drive but it looks like it is out of the run and so less affected by the tide.


By the way, do all the skippers have charts of the area? And have you studied them?


We shouldn't be going out without them.


Plotters are ok, but what if they fail...




No chart, but I would STRONGLY advise getting one - ( hmm Isn;t that what you were doing anyway ! ). If anyone wants one, I can get one at the same time as mine if you let me know.


Nice chart

You can see the location of the slip and ECA, and can see why there is a run of tide on the slip. a lot of water passes that way in/out of Langstone harbour


Easy to see the Blocks from the fort to the shore and the west winner,

drifting between the two is usually good.


fishing the outer end of the east winner at anchor, with Hermits caught in the same place in a trap or net is also worth a go.

Bob that is where that large catch of codling [i showed you the photo of at the last meeting] came from.


I probably still have paper charts of the area they are old now, but if someone wants to borrow one call me and I will try and locate in the attic.


Tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Bob, Re this sundays tyrip out of Hayling, Can I attend and fish if there are any spaces on any boats please???? (As luck would have it, I live just above the Services!!!!!!).

If its any use............I'm sorry to report that my pal who runs a twin lochin out of the harbour down there doesnt rate the chances of plaice at all in that area.....and he reckons its too early. I'm no expert down that way, we normally go out on the Needles ground, or went around to ventnor in the heydays of massive plaice out there. Do you want me to ask him for some marks out that way, over the banks or something??? Anyway, hope all is well, and hope there is space for an amater on one of the boats. I'm off for a pint tonight, so call me on the mobile if you want, cheers Bob......................Richard


Anymore news on the trip yet guys?


Whats the weather looking like?, are we still on?


Also, do we have a spare boat place? Dave Mayne has asked if he may come too - so long as we have a spare place?






Is the place on my boat taken or do we not know yet. If its spare then either Dave or Richard could come on with us assuming of course the weather's ok sick.gif




David asked me today for your mobile No I was going to text it to him but I dont appear to have his mobile No. Could you text it to him?






Thanks for the local tips, Charlie.


Everyone, the trip looks a little dodgy at the moment, anything from 3-7 being forecasted!!


As for spaces on the boats, Ada (the local expert) cannot come with us this time,

so there will be a space on your boat, Martin, for Richard (Rich had asked at the last meeting).


Adam, can you phone Mark to see if he would be OK for Dave to come on board, as well? He might be a bit iffy with this being his first trip out. Are you listening, Mark?


Charlie, what do you think the max wind strength is that we should go out in in this area for it to be safe/comfortable?


Also bearing in mind that according to Ada the area doesn't fish well for plaice after a good blow cus it gets too murky.


Unfortunately, Splash-Out is still being worked on by Suzuki, so she will not be available.


Bob F




By the way, before the blow started, there were plaice being caught in the area.

Best one mentioned was 3lb taken right at the end of the day.

One boat had 4.



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