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Right. Sorry to chance everyones plans, but it seems Sun will be the better option for everyone.


Same times, same place same people.


Rownhanms at 6.30am

Slipway and launching at 8am


LW (approx) 9.10am

HW (approx) 4.20pm


Paul D was at the slip 2nite ans told me that it is not advisable to launch at dead low as the slip gives way to sand and is v. slippery. Therefore Sun gives us an extra hour of water to get the boats in.


Names we have:


Bob F, Adam F, Martin, Dean, Paul D, Mark B.


Boats - Neo, Maverick, Loyal Royal.


Crew - (not confirmed) Rich JAW, Dave Mayne, Pauls 'Foreend'


Are we all ok with this?


Love Adam!!




Sundays good and Dean can make it smile.gif


I can at a push (me usually being greedy for space) take one other crew member.


Rich has posted me that he is available and that is ok so long as Bob hasnt already booked anyone else on the crew list.








Maverick - Martin, Dean & Rich JAW

Loyal Royal - Mark B, Me, Kabin Boy

Neo - Paul D & Paul's Foreend. (Can be replaced by Dave Mayne as a sub)


Spendid! biggrin.gif


Astounded today at the range of tide on the slipway - "were has all the water gone" was my first thought !!


I dont remember saying the slipway was slippery ??

Shingly at the end though and then around 10 foot of sand off the end when the tide is out.


Couldn't see a 15 ft drop on the slipway itself ( The end is marked by a red marker ), so that wo0uld appear to be a slight exaggeration smile.gif . There is around15 ft bank of shingle by the slip though.


We will need a broom I think + on low tide I will launch / pull my trailer out via rope from car I think. The snad/shingle at the end of the slipway looks firm enough for a 4WD, but I wouldnt fancy it with the Mondeo.


I think 1 hour before or after low tide may be better and hopefully the water will be up the slipway a bit !!


As you can see from the attached photo smile.gif



PS: My crew will consist of just my daughter, no "foreend" for this trip, so I could take a third person if we are short of spaces, although I dont have as much room as others !!











Hi All


I have launched at this slip, if you ask nicely the Eastney Sea Fishing Club will help out, they have a modified dumper to haul trailers (and cars) out of problems.


You do need reduced tides as it can be a problem to recover, no so much to launch however.


I recovered with a front wheel drive car pulling a hog out but if really low use a rope to play safe.


Watch out for wash from other boats as I scratched the hull of the hog on the trailer due to some boat going by with a big wash! mad.gif


Watch out also for freak swells near entrance as I was nearly thrown out of boat once, low tide is a bu****er.


Have fun guys.


By the way, the Hayling Island side is just as bad to recover with an outgoing tide to get the boat straight onto the trailer. Tide rips through at times.


Take extreme care.


Northly and Southly winds can create BIG swells at the entrace of the channel.







Sunday is fine for me..............0630hrs at the Eastbound services it is then! Does anyone need bait??? I will collect mine from Poingdesters on Saturday before the Rugger...............COME ON ENGLAND! They have a huge selection of frozen bits, and fine Rag........so if anyone wants/needs specifics, post here, and I will sort it out...............and sheepishly........its the other slip that Gav was informing me about.................but at least we know for future!!!! ;0)))))





Mark B has decided, I think wisely, not to have his maiden voyage in Loyal Royal at Hayling Island. He is not familiar with the launching and handling of his new boat, and it he would be launching into unfamiliar waters.


So, the boats and crew will be:


Maverick - Martin, Dean & Rich JAW

Splash-Out - Bob and Adam

Neo - Paul D & daughter


Everything else remains the same. 06:30 at Roundham Serviices (East bound) on Sunday.


Rich, I think we will be relying on you for the marks. Apart from the West Winner Bank we haven't got much to go on.




Bob F.





I have a list of marks for the Hayling/IoW area which I am happy to send you.


If you send me a message with your email address I will send it to you as I am not sure how to add attachments via this forum.


The attachment will be in MS Word or MS Excel if you can read them.







Note :


6-30 at Rownhams is actually 7:30 at Rownhams, since the clocks go forward Saturday night. So 7:30 BST at Rownhams smile.gif


Anyone wish to disagree ?


wink.gifwink.gif You have me confued now!!!


Am I to presume that it is still 6.30 'AFTER' I turn the clocks back, and it will just FEEL like 7.30, or have we moved it to 7.30??




You dont want to be turning your clock back - you will be two hours late then smile.gif


Clock goes forward one hour on sunday morning. Therefore, if you hadn't touched your clock it would be 6-30 AM at Rownhams. If you put it one hour forward before going to bed then it will be 7-30 AM at Rownhams.


Clear as mud eh !! ?






Rich phoned me just now. He says there was a big boat competition around Hayling Island today with 200 competitors.


And the catch? 2 plaice and a flounder between them all!!!!


Rich phoned up some of his local contacts and they have suggested that we stand a better chance of catching in Poole.


So, I have phoned Martin and Adam, and we have decided to cancel the Hayling Island trip and fish out of Poole instead. Mark B will be giving Loyal Royal her maiden voyage from Poole on Sunday, so it is probably appropraite that we should be out there to support him and admire her.


Paul D, I know you will be disappointed about this after all the research you have done on the slips, etc, but it is not all in vain, we will still be able to use this information for a future trip from Hayling.


Tides in Poole Harbour are:

HW 05:18 1.9m

LW 08:30 1.1m

HW 11:30 1.8m

LW 14:00 1.4m

HW 17:43 1.9m


Martin, I know you want some water to launch from Baiter, so how about a late start and launch at 11:30 and then fish the afternoon till around 5pm. Outside the harbour the tide will be on the flood till around 4-4:30, so we will be fishing the best part of a weak tide???


Boats will be:

Maverick - Martin, Dean, Rich

Loyal Royal - Mark and Paul J

Neo - Paul D and daughter

Tara - Adam and Bob


Let me know what you think.


Bob F


Sounds fine to me Bob. I'd rather go out early though. A 1.1m at baiter isnt too bad - but martin will know how much he needs? - Didnt he say he had a slip permit for cobbs??


Either way is fine for me - juts have a long day Mon, so could do with getting back at a reasonable time what with having to take the boat back to james' etc.




Bob.......a little later in the year, the smoth hound and tope fishing around Langstone can be superb, so perhaps the research that has gone into this trip can be used for a later trip when different species run?

Gavin reckons that the Plaice have not really returned to the harbour, and we are more likely to nail a few in Poole. Other skippers report catches in the Stanswood bay area, off Calshot, but again, few and far between. Sorry to bring bad tidings!!!!


So...........for Sunday.......what time do you want me to come down, and where should I meet you guys?????? Ive ordered up 50 Rag, so if anyone is short, I will have spare.


Cheers .............Rich


Hi Bob


Yep no probs except I will get to the slip around 9.00 BST to prepare and launch at about 9.30. We can all keep in touch on the usual vhf channel and meet up at some point during the day.


For my part I will probably try the swash or piers and beyond rolleyes.gif


Is that ok for you Rich




Martin, thats fine, can u mail me directions to your slip, as I have never been there!! I will bring neoprene chesties, and rag, and a box of squid. I will see you Sunday........cheers, Rich


Adam, so let's go for 9am at Baiter and launch with Martin.


Mark B was planning on launching around 9, so that will fit in with him as well.




Bob f


No problems. So it is 9 AM BST at Baiter slipway - I will get some ragworm and bring some of the squid I have in the freezer.


Will it be possible to get some marks for Poole Harbour or outside, since I haven't a clue where to start "Plaice hunting" !!


And I am now "GPS Map enabled as well"


Fine by me chaps - bit of a lay in as well! - bouns!


I too will be glad when the thread is over! - 971 views and 150 odd posts! - gotta be a record!



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