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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Steamed out for a late launch ( 9-30 ) from Wick ( as my colleague didnt have any waders and I figured a Wick launch would be easier.


Low water but not a huge low so figured trip through harbour would be OK. The channel seems to have moved in the harbour from all the dredging and it is still well shallow in places ( 1 1/2 ft ).


Got to the run, went for the sandbar and used a wave to lift us up and over it - off to XRay ( This time wary to avoid the rocks at beerpan ).


Raining and a little breezy but not too rough and actually quite pleasant trip out ( apart from the rain )


Reached XRay and down with the anchor - slack water ( in fact there was barly any tide all morning and the tide was insufficient to turn the boat, so we were facing into the wind all day ).


1/2 hour wait and then the whiting started coming - mackeral baits were untouched and they seemed to be going for the big squid baits which I hoped a cod would grab.


My work colleague had the best whiting at 2lb 2oz and I dropped a good fish which took off like an express train ( I suspect it was a big whiting though ). Around a dozen whiting in 3 hours ( + 2 dogs and one pout ).


Nice bumpy trip back as the wind was against the tide but good to get out after what seems an age.


Engine still misfiring but shant be long now before its days are numbered in the singular !


Saw "Dream On" in the harbour which was a blue 520 Orkney but is now upgraded to a 590 ( amazing how much bigger these are ).





Hi Paul

Good to hear the Whiting are still in numbers and only few dogs at Xray.


Any thoughts on the 590 ? I wondered if it was still launchable / portable by one person (and not a very large one at that) ?


Paul F


We had to help the guy launch the 590 as it was hard to get off the trailer with such little water. ( Boat name is "Dream On" - same as his 520 if you see it around ).


That was his main gripe - so much heavier and harder to launch single handed.

However, he loves the way the boat handles in rough seas.


Must say, I was astounded at how much bigger it is than the 520 but single handed I wouldnt fancy your chances of launching at Mudeford - I would put them at 0% smile.gif


So I am pleased in a way that I have stayed with the 520 but envious in another way as the 590 is such a nice boat.




It cant be that hard Paul? I have seen Raider 18's launch at Mudeford, and if Maverick can launch at Baiter then Im sure you can get a 590 off the trailer, as you know its always to do with technique - I struggled with BW at first at Mudeford, now I find it quicker than Wick, just takes a little practise and thought?


Also depends loads on the trailer - a quality, well set up multi-roller will launch a boat even without the water.


What do they weigh?


Interesting.........interesting !!


Paul........ what do you want all that room for ??


I looked at the pics. on the Orkney site.......... 590 has 3 of those 5 gallon fuel tanks .............. costs more to push all that extra room about.; look how much heavier the 590 is ......... but I agree ....... nice boat !!


I'm still thinking what to do mid - longer term....... that boat fever can come around again like the 'flu.


Envious Al.

Any thoughts on the 590 ? I wondered if it was still launchable / portable by one person (and not a very large one at that) ?

Most trailer set-ups will allow single-handed launch. Run the winch strap down under the axle and back up to the eyebolt and winch the thing off. It will benefit from the addition of a strategically placed roller. Failing that, if you've chesties then you can wade out on shallower mark and plant the anchor, tie off on the stern cleat and drive the trailer out from under the boat.






My 520 weighs 750 lbs.

The 590 weighs 1300 lbs.


I guess you could launch / retrieve single handed but it is going ot be harder. ( Using Maverick as an example, I would love to see Martin launching her at Mudeford single handed - how would you push the trailer out for a start ?


Presumably it is do-able but I guess to a degree I am trying to justify not getting a 590 in order to prevent "boat envy" biggrin.giflaugh.gif




I can just launch Maverick single handed at Baiter but its bloomin hard work, I can easily launch at cobbs no problem, I guess at high water I could launch at mudeford but wouldnt be my choice.




PS go on be envious, think of the rips laugh.gif


I can launch Sweet Honey single handedly at Lymington, Warsash, and Cobbs. I can only retrieve her on my own at Cobbs and Lymington either at high or low water, anywhere in between I need help. Basicly this is because I can tie up the boat to get my trailer and then 'walk' the boat over to the trailer.


Only used Baiter once, but I guess I can do the launch but retrieving I will need a very long piece of rope and an anchor to stop the boat from floating away.


Iv'e only launched my Raider 18 at Wick and Cobbs but it takes 2. I would never attempt it at Mudeford with my existing trailer as it would need lots more rollers. I'm expecting fun and games on Sunday at Baiter for the flounder competition as Ive never launched Fugazi there before. It means disconnecting from the 4x4 so I'll be needing miles of rope block and tackle and help from anywhere I can get it!

I expect the amusement value to all onlookers to be excellent.


Still I need to develop a technique pretty quick or modify the trailer as Ive decided not to renew my pontoon berth this year.


Gordon H


Sorry, Folks..


I only asked a humble question. No-one ever talks about the 590, but I rate it. Its all warrior/raider this and that. Not that I dont think they are superb boats, just may be viable alternatives.


As for the launching at Mudeford at low water, the ground levels out after the slip, so if you need the depth to 'float' off the trailer, then its not going to happen. If your boat slides off the trailer, then how far do you have to lift the nose of the trailer before this happens. Also not going to happen with a 590 on your own. Both cobbs, parkstone, wick, or wherever, have a reasonable rise of the slip and allow the boat to roll off.


But I do agree with the other postings, its all to do with specific trailer set up. We dont all have multi roller or break back trailers. Mine is a home built swine, so needs some attention to the weight distribution and roller set up this winter, so it rolls off on its own. (though will avoid launching it onto the slipway, as one member found out. blink.gifblink.gif )


I like the idea of winching off the trailer - have to think about that one.


Recovery, I've never had a problem with, only having to use a strong warp to attach to the car if the trailer is a long way out. I'd not recommend the anchor rope, as it stretches like elastic and builds up alot of stored energy, then the boat chases you up the slipway !!


As for Aluns question of why do we want bigger boats, same question as why do dogs chase cars they've no intention of driving laugh.gif .


Paul F


It sounds to me as though a number of people are thinking of going for boats in the 18ft size range and are right to be concerned about the practicality of launching this size boat on a regular basis. I've been spoilt with a marina berth for years so don't know where all the good slipways are (Parkstone?). Any information I can get is really useful and having tried a few links from this site I now know a few more. No matter what make it is, an 18ft boat is about on the limit for 2 people to manage when allowing for variable conditions. The more you guys can recommend, the less worried I'll be about leaving my comfort zone.


Gordon H



Out of interest do you know what Rockley Charge per launch/parking? might be a viable slip when fishing that end of the harbour assuming no annual pass has been paid for.



Bloody ridiculous even more than Cobbs!! And they have a very distinct take it or leave it attitude. Their slip too is not a patch on Cobbs and in the summer with the sailing school and grockles it's bloody murder.


Mad Mike



Out of interest do you know what Rockley Charge per launch/parking? might be a viable slip when fishing that end of the harbour assuming no annual pass has been paid for.



Launched fro Rockley on the last flounder comp. Cost

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