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firstly i'd like to wish eveyone a happy new year

and a very good years fishing.


My name is jake


i live in guernsey


spend as much time as i can looking

for the BIG congers?


i'm also the uk supplier of salt-x products

so if you have any questions please ask?




Welcome Jake, how's the fishing going over at Gurnsey at the moment?


Lovely island, been there twice, wish I can visit it more often, incidentally I'm over there for 3 days at Easter with Revolution from Weymouth.


Btw do we get bulk discount for the club..... rolleyes.gif



welcome jake


nice place to live mate


building a new boat soon a 30fter so will be invading your waters a bit more often




hi guy's


It'll be nice to see more uk boats over


the fishings not bad,the weathers killing it.


spoke to a guy before Xmas


he had a 15lb bass 1/2 dozen between 5/9lb


someone did say the tubbys are in as well?


how's the fishing over there?





Tubby is a Turbot.


Hi Jake - welcome to the forum.


As Newboy says - fishing has been very slow this winter, cod esp. plenty of conger around though!


The club has a trip over to the Islands in May, but Alderney not Guernsey.


We have discussed Salt-X recently - interested in covering my trailer in it - will it help?




Hi Jake


Welcome to the Forum


As my son Sam said what a lovely Island you live on.


I have been there many times working. But never managed too much serious fishing. except one very good wreck trip.


A local contact could be very usefull in the future, as we also enjoy our Conger fishing.


I am sure we will try some Salt-X when the new boat starts to get wet. and expect others will try it before then.


Tight Lines





salt-x is perfect for trailers and cars,


just get your self a garden pump sprayer put plain water in it and go over the trailer


This way you will see how much you will need for a wash down,


after all there's no point in wasting the salt-x by mixing to much

then bumping it,


anyone ever seen a white tubby(turbot) my fishing partner landed

one in the summer.







Welcome mate.


Ive seen plenty of tubby's, but the ones in bournemouth on a saturday night after 10 pints.....

ooops you meant the fish!



No really mate welcome and enjoy.




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