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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all Reg here again its just a query about the tides. the weekof the 9h -16th sept the tide will be 2.46mtr down to 1.34 by the end of the week. the second week 16th-23 will be 1.38-up to 2.10mtr. which of these two weeks would be the better to fish. also are there all range of tide launch ramps.

Fred and Rich did you get my e-mail ok



Cheers Reg


Not quite sure I understood your questions probably, but here it goes:


1) Depending on what you are targeting, different tide will suit different fish, i.e., you want big tides for bass and smaller tides for congers.


2) Where are you launching from? Cobbs is all tidal range, baiter is more or less all tidal range, I believe it goes onto hard ground below the ramp. Lymington is again 90% all tidal, bottom of ramp is usable except there's a slight drop off (about 3-4inch) at the bottom.


Hi newboy Sorry I did not get back to you last night But I think you answeared my query ok. The first week.HW tides build up and ends with a block tide. then the second week the hw tides decrease. I maybe should have put it this way

ok about the launch sites as we will probaly try them all It just a bit of forward planning. looking on the charts swanage looks interesting!! Anyway Im waiting to see If the fog is going to lift and try and get out on the Tyne for a few hours to wet a line.


tight lines






I think as Kam suggests that you ought to consider what your target fish are and how you want to fish for them


Then look at the time and size of tides


Drifting for Bass is generally considered to be best on Spring tides


anchoring the deeper banks and wrecks easier on neaps


just to add to that Poole Harbour has an unusual double high between each low water. to be exact on tides at Poole look at local info. and work it out from the stated LW time.


Even though our tide range here is not huge we do get a decent run on the tide


for example the waters you mention off of Swanage, west of anvil point and out from the lighthouse are good areas for fish at that time of year. But you will not fish them at anchor in the middle of a large tide. 2lb lead may just hold bottom but a 20lb + Blonde Ray would be very hard to get to the boat


The boat slip at Swanage is steep so most boats launch at Poole and motor around


I have picked the 17th September for our Club flatfish/Ray comp because its a small tide and we can get plenty of time at anchor.

I am afraid you would not be able to enter but you would have plenty of boats to escort you if you are around that day.


I hope that helps your planning


Charlie biggrin.gif


Thanks Charlie Im just trying to forward plan as to the best week. I think the lads want a chance at the bass. But also to try there hands at what else is on offer.

So I would think the second week would be the best as the tides are decreasing throughout the week. A good website we have found for tide information is www.ud.infn it:8080 it takes a bit of getting into. but it does the tides worldwide for the next 50 years and it don't cost a penny. if any of the lads have to many problems getting into it just give me a shout. Please don't try to download the program as it is massive. Also if the lads are thinking of taking there boats up to mull for skate they will need 600ft of anchor rope as you are fishing in300-400 ft of water. But the good news is a 1lb weight is suffecent to hold bottom



Thanks for the info.


regards Reg


Hi Reg - we have been out today - 15 miles offshore in 150' - tides were small and we needed 2.5lb of lead in the middle of the tide - if this gives you an indication, as Charlie says on a big tide you have no chance.


If you fancy a crack at the Bass, maybe I could organise a small trail-away (I am the club's trailer commadore) to Weymouth - 30 mins up the road (west) the bassing is good here and the members love it. we drift the Portland Race, not for th feint hearted as big overfalls and lots and lots of tide - fishing live joey mackerel or sandeels...


Of not we could escort you over to the Isle of Wight where the bassing is also similar.


Nearer the time we can speak on the phone and sort out some firm plans.




Reg, to give you an indication of what species are abundant in september, I have looked at the tally for sept last year in a small monthly species hunt I do down in Weymouth. Two of the anglers in the comp are Glen Milligan, and Steve Clements, who are both England Internationals, and then of course, there is me!! so that should give you an idea of the scope of angling prowess on board!! We had the following, in a six hour match, with seven anglers on board Colin Penny's charter boat, "Flamer": 11 Black Bream, 6 Bull Huss, 17 Dogfish, 11 Garfish, 4 Gurnard, 48 Mackeral, 2 Pollack, 2 Poor Cod, 3 Pout, 6 Sandeel, 2 Scad, 2 Smoothound, 25 Ballan Wrasse, 3 Cuckoo Wrasse, and 13 Corkwing Wrasse.


These were all taken on either squid, mackeral, or worm bait, mostly drifting in different areas of portland. A good web site to look at is www.deepsea.co.uk, and check out the portland boats.......this should give you an idea of whats going on.


Yes, got the mail...thanks. Keep checking in on our club site to see whats coming and going......whats working and what isnt, and who's telling porkys and who isnt (joke).

To be honest, you will still find plenty of summer species here still in september, as the waters will be at their warmest for the year. You will find plenty of macky to use as bait, be able to feather up launce and sandeel off Portland for bass, use joeys for bass or tope, Garfish make an excellent Tope Bait too. Cuttle will be available to tempt the late Bream.......you may even find a Gilthead inside Portland Harbour on worm, if youre quiet......and lucky!! I'm sure we will bump into you....keep in touch.




Thanks Adam & Rich for your input Adam we will probaly take you up on the bass

awayday. I don't know how powerfull your overfalls are but we are usally fishing in overfalls at port logan. for scotch haddock. But we will try anything once we can only come back white faced and wobbly legs"" Rich thanks for your info I really can't wait to come down. my appetite is really wetted. I was going to have a runout on the tyne today but the fog was down so spent half a day working on the boat.



regards reg.


PS I seem to have been upgraded to a pout catcher ha ha

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