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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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You should be able to toggle through the images. ( Admittedly they are not fantastic but you can definitely see the outboard smile.gif )



Looks great Paul - I agree with Bob - suits Neo well.


Bet you cant wait to crank her up! - Youll notice one hell of a differance!!


Hope it lives up to all expectations - BTW - how do you know you have the right prop?? I had to change BW's twice before I got the right set up, as the factory one was too large and under pitched.




Looks great Paul biggrin.gif


Are you going to run it in a bit or just go for it??


The guy who PDI'd mine said "put it this way, if it was mine I would do 2 hours at no more than 2000rpm"


So I did.




Well, couldn't resist a full speed blast after pootling around for an hour and a bit tongue.gif


I probably will run it in a bit ( at least until I get used to how the boat handles - should be 10 mins or so smile.gif ).


Of course I will need to see how many revs it is pulling on WOT just to be sure it is propped correctly wink.gif


The prop is 13.5 X 15 inches which looks huge compared to the one the Honda had, but I note that the E-Tecs have oodles of torque to turn such a large prop.


Let testing begin


Oh why do I have to work weep.gifweep.gif


PS: I did discuss about selecting the correct prop - will have to see how it handles with the one it has first.


I had to change BW's twice before I got the right set up, as the factory one was too large and under pitched.



Hi Adam


What prop did you end up with?




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