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Errrrr..... ohmy.gif I don't bl00dy know, You're the flipping committee!!!! tongue.gif


That was what I thought, when the rule book said private boats, never thought about the scenario you talked about. Then if extreme case is applied, what happens if it was a chartered boat, but you are a friend of the skipper and he took you and friends out on a day trip as a private treat to friends, would that count?! wink.gif


My understanding on that aspect, is that the boat on which you are fishing has to be registered on the club registered boats list. So..........if the area in which you are fishing falls within club waters, AND the boat on which you are fishing is registered, then my supposition is that you meet the criteria for club awards.







No....dont think so - Im sure Martin or Charlie will confirm, but as long as the boat is not chartered it counts.


So - you could go out on a Poole Charter boat as mates with the skipper and not pay for the trip - fish would count.


You could go out on a mates boat - fish would count.


I think... ph34r.gif


Oh dear! Another can of worms! ohmy.gif


All I wanted to do was tell you about a very long, cold, hard day that resulted in one big fish! I wasn't claiming a record or claiming that Lyme Bay was a compass anomally that was really East of the Needles, I just caught a fish (unusual for me which is why I was so excited!)!


How come we didn't have this debate when Kam (I think it was Kam) caught his bloody great big Skate. That was a whopper and far more worthy of discussion.


Personally my understading of club waters is on a club registered boat bewteen St Catherines and Portland Bill and anywhere in the English Channel south of there?


Oh well, the next one I get around 16lb from somewhere off Plymouth I'll shove a few leads down it's throat and claim it as a record caught whilst fishing up the Wareham Channel!


In the words of what's er face off the telly. "Am I bothered" tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif


PS: Yes, I am being faceacous (spelling?)


Hi, Tom honestly it's not you, it's me ...... tongue.gif


I think we just got carried away. It's nothing to do with your fish (a lovely fish I must say). Many of us has nothing better to do, some of us are probably supposed to be working, but you know how it is, boredom set in and we 'discuss' anything just to release boredom....... laugh.gif

Hi, Tom honestly it's not you, it's me ...... tongue.gif


I think we just got carried away. It's nothing to do with your fish (a lovely fish I must say). Many of us has nothing better to do, some of us are probably supposed to be working, but you know how it is, boredom set in and we 'discuss' anything just to release boredom....... laugh.gif



I am only having a giggle too.

In between the many hectic things I have to be getting on with during my day (usually making coffee for Martin or similar) I do browse the forum and VERY occassionally put in my two penneth worth.


Most people on here know me well enough to realise that I generally like to keep my opinions to myself ph34r.gif and prefer not to stir up debate.





Nothing serious here either, the it's not you it's me reference was on this week's 'My name is Earl' (where Earl broke up with a girlfriend by pretending to be dead) one of the funnies commedy on tv recently.....

see, how easy it is to side track..... laugh.gif


Debate is good....... stiring things up? Never...... rolleyes.gif

Hi, Tom honestly it's not you, it's me ...... tongue.gif


I think we just got carried away. It's nothing to do with your fish (a lovely fish I must say). Many of us has nothing better to do, some of us are probably supposed to be working, but you know how it is, boredom set in and we 'discuss' anything just to release boredom....... laugh.gif



I am only having a giggle too.

In between the many hectic things I have to be getting on with during my day (usually making coffee for Martin or similar) I do browse the forum and VERY occassionally put in my two penneth worth.


Most people on here know me well enough to realise that I generally like to keep my opinions to myself ph34r.gif and prefer not to stir up debate.




???? me drink coffee????


You stir it up????? as if laugh.gif



Errrrr..... ohmy.gif I don't bl00dy know, You're the flipping committee!!!! tongue.gif




For info, I am not actually on the committee by the way !!! smile.gif



Errrrr.....  ohmy.gif  I don't bl00dy know, You're the flipping committee!!!!  tongue.gif




For info, I am not actually on the committee by the way !!! smile.gif

You meant all this sucking up to you and you're not even the power to be?! mad.gif




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