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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I Really need to get a new job mad.gif All my avalible weekends off and spare holiday are used up for the club comps, So I can see me missing out on this one,Im all out of sickys too unsure.gif


I will order the tickets tomorrow, so you've one last chance if you'd like to order tickets for you.


List at the moment is:


1 Adult = Mark B

2 Adults = Adam

1 Adult = Mark A

1 Adult = John F




Bob F




Tickets not ordered, yet. Having trouble getting through to the booking office.


Will be ordering:


1 Adult = Mark B

2 Adults = Adam

1 Adult = Mark A

1 Adult = John F

1 Adult = Paul J

1 Adult = Martin

1 Adult = Bob F




Bob F


I have a bloody christening to go to that day!!! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif


At 11am as well - right in the middle of the day!


So we will be getting there at 9 (is that when it opens?) and will have to be fairly quick - 1.5 hrs.


I may need quite a bit of stuff, so will be worthwile!




Just my luck! - will have to give bob a shopping list! - by the time I get there in the afternoon - it will be over????


Do all the bargins go early. what time is it worth geting there - I may be about 2-3pm??



Don't forget that there is a Jumble at Canford arena This weekend it may have what you want without a mad 90 mins at beaulieu.


The last one was like a Club outing.



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