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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Many thanks to Duncan for the idea, inspiration, company, advice and encouragement to make for the Aolean Sky on Sunday.


I spent a slightly chilly night on the boat on Saturday (frost inside as well as outside in the morning) then when my friend and his son arrived, we set off a little before 9am from Poole, in excellent calm weather, and made good speed round to the West. Duncan overtook us a couple of miles before we got there, and led the way on some drifts.


After a few passes and no luck, we changed tactics and anchored.


After losing a couple of rigs we finally made contact with a conger - a shade over 20lbs - a Personal Best for me since it was also my first conger! It was also the heaviest fish taken on board the boat. (Next best was a Tope last summer which was a just a little under this.

I only held the Boat Record for about 30 minutes before my friend Simon got a conger at about 30lbs!


We got one more at 20 lbs before leaving the wreck at about 3:30 and heading back towards Poole. We had a superb ride back - almost mirror calm sea, sun getting lower in the sky, and a really enjoyable session behind us.


Many thanks again for Duncan for showing me the ropes, and for your patience with a relative beginner..... Very much appreciated.


Mike F.




Glad the trip went well and a few Eels played ball


Its a nice big wreck to practise on and hold many good fish


However in teh Summer it is a divers wreck so best left to them




Hi Mike


Well done and a good start.

The sky is a great learning ground for small to medium eels and gives you a real taster of what a good conger session can be like.


I still have L plates on my back when anchoring, but the Sky is a tough one to miss and usually guarantees a good session, but head advice from Charlie about Divers and choose alternatives in the Summer... There are loads out there to pick and almost all will hold a few snakes.




Just love "the Sky" .. Thanks to Adam.its the only wreck we have ever found in club waters,..and we have the dubious distinction of never having caught anything THERE either... laugh.giflaugh.gifweep.gif ...jack




I have the GPS co-ordinates for 147 wrecks in club waters (several not charted) so if you can provide any info on how to catch large flounders before next years competition PM me and subject to verification I'm sure I can help you out.


Gordon H



hanks to Adam.its the only wreck we have ever found in club waters,..and we have the dubious distinction of never having caught anything THERE either


....we caught Pollock!... blink.gifbiggrin.gif




I am sure at some stage during the build me and the boys will need to stratch ourselves in the fresh air and bend a rod


so if you would like a bit on company and a few tips about wrecking just ask us along.


Charlie biggrin.gif


laugh.gif QUOTE I have the GPS co-ordinates for 147 wrecks in club waters (several not charted) so if you can provide any info on how to catch large flounders before next years competition PM me and subject to verification I'm sure I can help you out.


Gordon H



Gorden.. For some co-ordinates that actually have something visible under them,I would BUY you all the Flounders you could eat...Unfortunately,If you had been a club member longer,you would know that I am the last person on earth to ask where to catch anything !!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


Even I might be able to find another wreck with that level of precision on numbers...I have seen a few sites that give the numbers to 2 decimal places, but this one (on the wrecks I looked) at gives 3 places. If anyone can comment on whether the numbers given look accurate, that would be interesting.


Many thanks for the link!


Mike F


That website is linked from three other topics on this forum. It is well worth using the search function and looking for keywords such as "wreck" etc.


Also, if anyone has good URL's such as the wreck website, then feel free to submit them using the "web links" link in the modules section. ( This way we can build a useful reference of web links ).




I'm no expert but have checked the wreck locations with those in the book "Dorset Shipwrecks" by Steve Shovlar, a keen diver who has visited many of the wrecks. The locations are either spot on or the last digit is out plus or minus 1 so close I think.


Hope that helps




Jack states...I have NEVER caught a Flounder,or Plaice,or Bass or Tope or Conger,or Thornback etc. [should I go on ?] since joining the club...Still hopeing..Jack


'Sfunny you should say that Jack, my catches have not been as I expected since joining the club. Having caught bass to 10lb and a magnificent 8lb 12oz plaice in my time and loads of other stuff too. I wonder if the covern (Whoops sorry I mean the commitee) have an answer for this! Hmm!! mad.gif


Mad Mike



Jack states...I have NEVER caught a Flounder,or Plaice,or Bass or Tope or Conger,or Thornback etc. [should I go on ?] since joining the club...Still hopeing..Jack


'Sfunny you should say that Jack, my catches have not been as I expected since joining the club. Having caught bass to 10lb and a magnificent 8lb 12oz plaice in my time and loads of other stuff too. I wonder if the covern (Whoops sorry I mean the commitee) have an answer for this! Hmm!! mad.gif


Mad Mike

try using hooks with bait on laugh.gif


Sorry Jack but I had never caught a plaice or flounder until I joined the club. ohmy.gif


However I used to catch coddling but since being "down South" never ever got a sniff of one (as yet) wink.gif


Not got a bass, only schoolies, in fact when does a bass become a bass and not a schoolie?


Not had a conger yet or pollock or ............... or ................... so I am just like you really biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


It's good fun burning fuel trying though. smile.gif





I haven't caught a plaice, a flounder, a turbot or a brill (which I hope I will do something about it come April in Guernsey), I caught caught some congers (big ones), a few small tope, smut, a few lings, bass to 7 lb, small cod and pollock, a few rays, didn't know what they were, breams, wrasse, etc etc...... oh, mustn't forget lots of pouts and doggies..... wink.gif


PS Dave, I think schoolies goes up to 2-3lbs..


Blimey, if all this soul bearing is true, the fact that I at least caught a flounder during the comp almost makes me an expert. Talking of sole does anyone specifically target this species which I find particularly tasty? I know where to catch them but what

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