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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well the big days arrived


0700 woken by a call from Cornwall moaning that the boat transport had not shown up.


A call to the drivers mobile, found him leaving a layby with a new Tachograph that allowed him to complete the journey.

he soon pasified an irate Manager and the Boats up on the crane to be loaded.


A reply from the Driver at 0915 informed me that all is well and he is about to set off.


A visit to Dans school , haircut, several cup of Tea and some decorating were esential to fill in the hours it took to bring her 150 miles to home.


a last minute reminder to the neighbours that they would be blocked in by two HGV's saw a few ladies hastily moving cars just as the rig turned up. biggrin.gif


At last one 30ft kit boat arrives safe and sound but far from white after 4 hours on the road. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


A couple of coffees with the Driver some time spent unloading the loose equipment bought from the boatbuilder and still no crane. better move to let the ladies back in and have another brew



At last


over an hour late the very apologetic crane driver arrives.


More Tea to calm the nerves as we get the strops on and the crane ready


Then we find out why the small trees were not bothering the crane driver, when he lifted her right over the to of them and the neighbours nice Car on her drive. smile.gifdry.gif


She may be months away from sea trials but she flies well. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif







After a short flight, which seemed to rattle Wendy's nerves, touchdown


some time spent setting her up see's her into position in the front Garden ready for work to commence.


Ist job get the wash and polish out to remove the road grime, can't have her looking grubby when people pop round for a look.


After aa long and trying day she is at last ready for my part of the fitting out to start. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


one very Happy Charlie and Boys biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



Hi Charlie,


If I had known it was today I would have poped round to watch. sick.gifsick.gif


Looks great but the hard work and time is just starting, I am sure it will be great when all done. I will have to watch when you lift again ready for the final lift to take her down to the sea, the lonely sea and sky. huh.gif






i cant wait to get her fishing and i cant wait to learn a few things doing it, and the good thing is 2 of my friends have already offered to help




Nice one Charlie - Im chuffed for you, bet you're made up!


The wheelhouse looks massive - much longer than I expected?


Look forward to seeing her out on the cod grounds later this winter. Any luck on selling GW yet?




Very nice Charlie.


I am struck with the size of the 'wheelhouse' too but presumably you can build a lot of tackle storge into any seating etc thus keeping the cockpit clear for action!


Have you sorted out engine / drive yet?


Finally; when does you production plan suggest you will be launching??? rolleyes.gif

Charlie - your mail box is full.................

I guess it's offers of crew once the boat is fitted out laugh.gif


Charlie, the 'covered' area is huge, is most of that gonna be a cabin or you gonna have a small cabin and a seperate underway seating area?


Fantastic stuff Charlie & the boys. You must all be made up.


She looks an absolute beaut and I bet will be 100% top notch on the water.


Personally, liking a bit of comfort I reckon that superstructure looks perfect, you must still have a full 12 feet of open cockpit length there as well as a nice cosey warm interior.


Well done mate and have great fun kitting her out.


All the best



PS: .... those blocks and chocks look remarkably like the sort you may find "borrowed" from a local boat yard...




Hi all


Thanks for the nice comments, you are correct the boys and I are more than chuffed biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif and realise that a lot of work will be involved.


The cabin is overlength at the moment and some will be coming off once the internal layout is finalised [one of the first jobs]


and a fair chunk of the roof overhang is also coming off.


Tom you are spot on as she is there is 12ft of cockpit, whicjh we may increase a bit but want to have inside seating for the whole crew and bunks for the whole family shower, galley etc.


Plans are for some long range fishing and Holidays so unlike the current boat she will not be focused just on angling and needs a few comforts


Paul I hope we can continue your success rate matey, not to hard to beat really wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif




What a beauty!,She Looks the part Charlie,I'll look forward to seeing her all kitted out and running. Looks like the perfect all night congering boat to me wink.gif





Hi guys


Thanks for all the offers of encouragement and help.


I will be expecting a few volunteers to crew when she is finished and of course anyone that has helped will be made very welcome.


I am sure you know us well enough to know there will be plenty of various trips on her, including some that Wendy will no doubt be leaving to us and friends.


I have cleared some space in my mailbox so if you have tried to send a PM please try again




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