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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After 18 months sitting on a driveway in Wick, Star turn needs a good scrub.

If she was a car I'd say she needed a good wash, T-Cut and polish.

What do people use to achieve this on their boats?


Also, what do people use to polish up perspex? i.e the windows and windscreen.


Finally, where can I get gel coat filler in 'Stone' rather than white? Got a few little dings to sort out... rolleyes.gif






For cutting back I use Farcela G3 compound, its available at SMC Ashley Road. Then buff up with a good quality wax.


Bob's Boats, commercial road used to have coloured gelcoat, would assume they still do.




Also, what do people use to polish up perspex? i.e the windows and windscreen


Charlie i used some of that tinting film on the inside as mine was really scratched and yellowed.

it did help it look more acceptable


Paul J




If you've got some chrome cleaner such as Solvol Autosol in your garage, try polishing the scratches out with this. There are also some proprietary polishing creams on the market but I can't remember the names.


Gordon H




After 18 months sitting on a driveway in Wick, Star turn needs a good scrub. 




If she was a car I'd say she needed a good wash, T-Cut and polish.

What do people use to achieve this on their boats?


XXXX One needs to be a bit carefull here. If one ever intends to paint the boat then using silicone car polishes could make later paint jobs bead and/ or dimple.


XXXX One 'household' product I have found good on GRP Gell coat is Astonish or Jif cream cleaner. T Cut is good as are most amonia based mild abrasive cleaners.



Also, what do people use to polish up perspex? i.e the windows and windscreen.


XXXX Only soap and water!!! Any attempt to polish Perspex will fail dismally as it is too soft and a billion fine scratches will be cut into it making it haze. Small areas can be cleaned very gently with jewlers rouge. If it is well scratched and crazed the only recourse is to replace it.



Finally, where can I get gel coat filler in 'Stone' rather than white? Got a few little dings to sort out... rolleyes.gif


XXXX The answer is yes and no...... Yes one can get it but only in large batches as with any other colour, small amounts just would not be worth making up. Use white Plastic Pading Gell Coat repair and touch in with model enamel to the right colour when set and rubbed back



Mad Mike



PS for all GRP stuff, there is a specialist supplier just the Hamworthy side of Pool Bridge. Expensive but huge stocks of everything.


Generally once perspex is scratched, there isn't much you can do, you can polish it a little, but I foind the result disappointing. Why don't you get some new one cut? Perspex ain't that expensive, go to glazing firms and see what off cuts they have going cheap.


I echo this - having polsihed BW's hull under the anti foul last year - Faracla is the doggies nuts, but it doesnt leave much of a shine, just cuts - I then use Autoglym resin polish (halford etc) to shine her up.


I have perspex windows that have crazed - it aint the scratches on the surface but inside the perspex, I havent got round to changing them yet - and so give them a polish with the autoglym every few weeks.

the trick with the farecla is to use a 7" polishing machine (big grinder with foam head). i thing 3m do a acrylic/polycarb polish.....



Steve you obviously know what your doing, but I think a warning for the first timers with this method should be made.


The rotating head can build up a fair bit of heat (friction) if left to dwell on an area too long. Keep the working area moving, work in a defined section say 1mtr sq' and then move on and don't blitz one patch without adding a bit more cutting paste as the mop head can scorch the gell coat if left to run too dry.

It's a little like using a power sander..... Boy does it work well, but you can go too far in a flash ohmy.gif


Mad Mike


As always, heaps of good advice here. Well done everyone!


It's a 1980 Shetland Family Four, 2 previous (elderly) owners.

The top half (technical term wink.gif ) just needs cleaning up, but the bottom half shows the scars of the nautical equivalent of 'touch parking' biggrin.gif



the bottom half shows the scars of the nautical equivalent of 'touch parking' biggrin.gif

Sounds similar to a couple of skippers we all know who got to know Kimmarage well! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Well it will be my turn sometime so I might as well make the most of it. wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif




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