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Im a new member to the club. Ive been fishing the rough ground marks for the past year and have been reasonably successful. Ive caught many different fish including some small tope and rays. I would love to fish an inshore wreck but havent any idea where to find them or where i can find out. if anybody could give me some advice, or at lest point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated




As more and more club members take more and more trips out to the local wrecks you can expect more information to become available.


As a club member you will have access to the restricted areas of this site and I would expect this to be increasingly populated with the sort of information that you are looking for.


wreck positions themselves are marked on most electronic charts and many paper ones, with book like DIVE Dorset containing much useful information.


I hope you enjoy your time with the club.


Hi Phil


Firstly welcome to the club. I have just updated your status on the forum so you now have access to all areas.


I do not have much experience at wreck fishing but I,m sure others will point you in the right direction.



thanks for your help i will let you know how i get on,i am going out

on monday if conditions are ok,can anyone point me in the right

direction for general fishing this time of year.





Errr let me think...


General fishing at this time of year...


...Unless you can get out about 30 miles I would suggest on yer sofa at home with Discovery Home and Leisure watching Matt Hayes catch the same carp fr the 200th time.


Sorry to be pessimistic!


Tom sad.gif

is there nothing i can fish for at the moment?im desperate to get out

and do some fishing.please help...

Ancient Buddhist script.........You can fish for whatever you want glasshopper, It is whether the fish are there that only the fish know ph34r.gif


I know the feeling, but Feb/March is the time of year that sea fish seem to go totaly off feed. Most of the inshore species are off somewhere doing fishy sex and the fish that come inshore in December/January (Cod & Whiting) slidedle off back into deeper water. There may be the odd flounder about in the smaller channels and creeks, fish the channel edges into the shallow sides of the channels.

Take a book too weep.gif


Mad Mike


Down at Weymouth, the bass are still around altho only 2-3 lb with the occassional 5 lber. Also there are reports of plaice being caught already.


I'm out from there tomorrow (if the weather god shall be so kind) I'll tell you if I catch or not.




The fishing was dire today. We had one doggies and two pout. Fished for around 3-4 hours total. You are welcome to the co-ords of the pout mark ( If only I had them to hand )




Having fished the majority of the wrecks within close distance of club waters, I can tell you that they generally dont produce the hoards of fish you may think.


Firstly, if you have never (or do not have much experinace) fished a wreck in your own vessel before it can be hard work, difficult, frustrating, expensive and sometimes dangerous....dont want to put you off though! smile.gif


The 'Inshore' wrecks (up to 20 miles out) only really have a few bream, wrasse and pollock on them in the summer, and pout and conger in the winter. Their are loads to choose from, but to be honest those of us who fishe them regulary tend to this time of year when nothing else is around - eels are then almost guarentted - a bend in the rod.


The reef and bank marks fish much more productivly, so dont get hung up by wrecks - join in and youll soon pick up marks and areas where the different species come from.


As others have said - the fishing at the moment is about as poor as it gets. If you launch from Christchurch, the end of Hengistbury head will yeild a few wrasse to ragworm fished on the drift. Other than this, off the back of Christchurch ledge in between the Dolphin bank and the ledge may find the odd late whiting, pout and doggies.




having looked on the pandora site last year i would agree with gordon that a lot of the numbers are inaccurate even the weymouth dive site numbers vary in accuracy


ps adam you havent even started yet !!!!!!!!!!


Didnt mean club waters - although thats what I typed - mean wrecks close to where I fish often, I.e off Christchurch etc.... blink.gif


....youre right - Im sure I could try and fish all of them and still be doing it this time next year... laugh.gif

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